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I was gonna go see Lef Deppard in Lincoln next week.

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That's a no-go, thanks to my former roommate cunts.


Oh well, I saw them last year, and I can buy my own tickets to the next show. Dicks.


ah Lef Deppard, good band


such hits like Pour Some Splenda on Me and Phonograph

I'm partial to their hit song, Aminal.


And Rock of Years, that's another good one.


Honestly, I started calling them Lef Deppard as a gag many years ago, but now it comes out sometimes when I'm actually trying to say it correctly.


I did type it that way on purpose. This is not another San Antonio situation.


The same ones that got mad about the weeding

Yup, the same ones who decided that our friends' wedding was allllll about them. That really should've been an indicator of how batshit they were.

Def Leppard, Tesla, and Poison are playing here some time. I only like Tesla.


I really hate that whole genre/era of bands with the almost sole exception of Tesla for some reason.


I even liked that album they released in like 2004


I really hate that whole genre/era of bands with the almost sole exception of Tesla for some reason.


I even liked that album they released in like 2004


I didn't really like the 04 album, my favorites by them they released in the 90s. For a hard rock band that released their first two albums in the 80s, that is very, very rare.


they did you a favour preventing from that noise pollution

fight me irl


Def Leppard puts on a fantastic live show. I was also excited to see Tesla.


Poison was gonna be there too, I guess.  :|

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