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I just hit myself in the face with ice water and took some asprin(d)


I hope I do not have a horror hangover ::D::


We saw a bunch of Pain's body pod thingies.  He actually seemed to swap bodies before the fight.  So maybe the one that talked to the girl paper girl was the real one and he never sends his real self into battle.


Buh bye to more Jonins lol.


Why FROGS?  They're about the least cool and badass animal you could pick, Kishimoto. 


Oh ok, so that's what was going on with those 2 frogs riding on Jiraiya's shoulders.


Inoichi?  That ability.  Is he Ino's dad?


and of course as a woman All Sakura is good for is being nurse Joy






"We have Lady Hokage on our side." Yeah, like this show would actually allow her to actually do anything about this and not Naruto. Even the old man was the one to fight off Orochimaru, but I won't be surprised if Tsunade gets a much weaker showing.



Yes that's totally how Itachi and Kisame got in and Kishimoto didn't just make up this barrier thing on the spot.


Wow so those metal rods actually serve a purpose beyond style and making Pain look cool?  Chakra receivers?!  They're remote control!


Why is their reaction to this attack so shitty?  What kind of ninjas are these?


Why is it so hard to believe you'd be attacked directly?


Is the new Pain body a girl?

Pain is a lot like the Wachowski sister's show "sense8" except in this show they don't try to romanticize a bunch of people having their lives and identiries robbed from them in favor of them having pansexual psychic orgy sex because lana wachowski has a mindlink fetish and wants to gay men to fuck her ::]::

Itachi knew the code? So it wasn't changed immediately after Itachi left? l o l




That and I'm pretty sure that had to be said because I don't think this barrier has been mentioned at all until now.

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