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so...last year in April a customer came to the pharmacy with a coupon...so she ended up getting her script for free...this year the coupon company audited their claims and found that she hadn't activated her card and they shouldn't have paid out...now my corporate office wants that money and reached out to the customer notifying her that it needed to be paid...surprise surprise...she never got it....she comes in today to get her meds and I tell her that her prescription is $25...but she owes us $153 on top of that.....i mean I feel bad, it's not my fault...but Jesus I just had my ass handed to me....and I had to tell this lady that if she didn't pay it, corporate locks down her account...meaning she cannot go to another pharmacy until she pays...this also means competitor stores as well...if her account is in lock down we cannot transfer her information and the competitor store is notified that the patient MUST pay before anything can be filled...


that's fucked up. ive used a discount card from pfizer for geodon ...bought it from $25 to $4. used the crap outta it until my insurance sent me a letter saying i couldn't use it anymore. i have horrible withdrawal after just one day without them so i had no choice but to pay until i got it free with obamacare. i know shes pissed! that has to be so upsetting. i had to activate my card thingie, too.


How can they just cut her off cold and leave no alternatives? That can be dangerous, depending on what she's on; in some cases it can be lethal. I'm all for responsible use of the health care system, but this seems a bit harsh. Also seems a bit foolish - should she die or suffer injury because she can't get her meds, I'm sure there'll be a lawsuit in the offing.


Kind of sucks for you, too. You get chewed out for something that you have absolutely no control over. She needs to call corporate if she can't or won't pay it, however, I bet she doesn't. (I don't know how many times I got chewed out by patients for some insurance issue. I'd tell them that they had to talk to the insurance company, but who's back on my phone 2 or 3 days later? And who hasn't contacted the insurance company yet?)


i suppose i'd be pretty pissed. i would not, however, take that out on the poor sot whose job it was to relay the message.


that's fucking childish.


I can't wait til everyone snaps and just start holding places up when they pull shit like



"Oh I have to pay $153? Gun. Now gimme all the medicine and all your pens."


so you're basically saying that's it's ok I get held up at gun point or probably shot over something that I have 0 control over?


Yes. It's sounds to me like you were the one carrying out the evil corporation's orders. You won't get shot. Now hand over those pens.


yeah well joke or no joke...I'm rather pissed of about that so....yeeeeah we're done


That kind of woe-is-me, nothing-is-my-fault-I-just-work-here mentality is half the reason companies, corporations, governments get away w/treating people like shit.


yup bai

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