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How generous, sacrificing him like that for the greater good


I'm a terrible trainer. I throw different stuff in gyms cuz it's always Rhydon, Gyrados and Dragonite.

He held the gym for a few hours and when he came back I gave him a boost. I got tons of Electabuzz candy.

Can't hatch a Lapras for shit but 15 Electabuzz, no problem?


I have an exeggutor in a gym that's a few hours away from a third collect. I'm lucky if I can even collect once before I'm kicked out. I do think they should implement a one pokemon per species rule in gyms, because like you said, there are multiples of the same five over and over.


I have yet to see an Electabuzz. There were some near stops on my walk from the office to my car, but it was always too cold and late to warrant a detour just for pokemon.


What number is igglybuff and which egg did it hatch from?

#174, 2k egg, Pokebabies hatch from whatever eggs their adult forms come from


Caught my first Brooklyn Ditto, someone lured my local stop; tip off was a shitty Zubat breaking free of a Great Ball. Shitty Ditto too, sadly but hey


#174, 2k egg, Pokebabies hatch from whatever eggs their adult forms come from


Caught my first Brooklyn Ditto, someone lured my local stop; tip off was a shitty Zubat breaking free of a Great Ball. Shitty Ditto too, sadly but hey

Are you sure? I hatched a Pichu and I'm like 90% sure it came from a 5 when Pikachu comes from 2 eggs.

So are they removing Pikachu, jigglypuff and the other guys from hatching. The best thing they ever did was remove eevee and tangela from the 10 egg.

I never caught a zubat Ditto though I did catch a small Pidgey that was a wonder Ditto.


I have an exeggutor in a gym that's a few hours away from a third collect. I'm lucky if I can even collect once before I'm kicked out. I do think they should implement a one pokemon per species rule in gyms, because like you said, there are multiples of the same five over and over.


I have yet to see an Electabuzz. There were some near stops on my walk from the office to my car, but it was always too cold and late to warrant a detour just for pokemon.

I've never caught an Electabuzz in the wild just hatched them and I'm starting to think Lapras is no longer in eggs cuz I have a real hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I haven't hatched  one yet. Yeah it's starting to get too cold I know of a place where it's kinda safe to play in the car cuz its basically a giant parking lot but even then it's not the best of ideas but there are a couple of gyms that aren't easy to get to and you might not see your Pokémon for a month?


I just logged in to see if I could cash in on my Exeggutor again but it looks like he was finally knocked out. Four days in a row is now my record. I wish they game would send you a notification when it is time to collect or when a pokemon gets kicked out.


Also, I hatched a 10k magby, and now I'm thinking their should be another sort option that keeps families together.

  • 2 weeks later...

i hatched a snorlax a month or two ago but it's super lame with its earthquake move set. also, hatched a few non-common pokemon from them old 5k eggs with these free incubators this past week.


the lamest part is that i'm struggling to even level up from 21 when i don't even wanna wasted my pokeballs on pidgeys for stardusts and experience points.


on the other hand, i did catch a decent amount of starter pokemons, squirtles are a pain since i can't seem to catch anything above decent. bulbasaurs are a hit and miss. charmanders are quite rare but i managed to find some good ones.


too bad they'll go back to being hard to find and pidgey sightings are doubled the amount.


as far as playing this game, i'll do it once awhile when i feel like it. its just that with the developers dragging on their feet and cheaters on iphones, i don't feel like its worth my while to even open up the app.


i hatched a snorlax a month or two ago but it's super lame with its earthquake move set. also, hatched a few non-common pokemon from them old 5k eggs with these free incubators this past week.


the lamest part is that i'm struggling to even level up from 21 when i don't even wanna wasted my pokeballs on pidgeys for stardusts and experience points.


on the other hand, i did catch a decent amount of starter pokemons, squirtles are a pain since i can't seem to catch anything above decent. bulbasaurs are a hit and miss. charmanders are quite rare but i managed to find some good ones.


too bad they'll go back to being hard to find and pidgey sightings are doubled the amount.


as far as playing this game, i'll do it once awhile when i feel like it. its just that with the developers dragging on their feet and cheaters on iphones, i don't feel like its worth my while to even open up the app.

It's been fun catching the starters though it's hard to catch even the weakest ones. I also hatched a lot of the "baby" Pokémon as well. I still haven't hatched a Lapras. I never even see them. I'm sure it's just not people with iPhones cheating. It's not worth it to me to gps spoof though I have been tempted, especially on days like yesterday when it's cold and snowing. I lost my pokestop streak and I'm in desperate need of items.


Yeah it can be a science sometimes, like, what ball will work, whether the Razz will even help, and all starters seem to be dicks and run away at similar rates. Highest CP Charmeleon I've seen got away from me which left me a bit miffed. Caught lower ones just for kicks.


Although I now have a comfortable amount of Char candy, I hope Charmander doesn't go back to being super rare around here when the event is over. It's kind of annoying to never see him when the other starters are around. Charizard is the only starter Pokemon I've still never seen around here (i.e. in the wild), my brother in law in Ohio caught like, 3 during this thing. I only saw/caught a new Venusaur during the event.


Also hatched 3 Igglybuff and one Smoochum, that's all of my Johto so far.


I'm fortunate to have a PokeStop at the end of my block, so even during a blizzard I should be able to keep my streak going, plus I'm by Kings Hwy which is a good refill area if I make time to walk.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah it can be a science sometimes, like, what ball will work, whether the Razz will even help, and all starters seem to be dicks and run away at similar rates. Highest CP Charmeleon I've seen got away from me which left me a bit miffed. Caught lower ones just for kicks.


Although I now have a comfortable amount of Char candy, I hope Charmander doesn't go back to being super rare around here when the event is over. It's kind of annoying to never see him when the other starters are around. Charizard is the only starter Pokemon I've still never seen around here (i.e. in the wild), my brother in law in Ohio caught like, 3 during this thing. I only saw/caught a new Venusaur during the event.


Also hatched 3 Igglybuff and one Smoochum, that's all of my Johto so far.


I'm fortunate to have a PokeStop at the end of my block, so even during a blizzard I should be able to keep my streak going, plus I'm by Kings Hwy which is a good refill area if I make time to walk.

I hatched all the babies except for igglybuff and I haven't seen a Charmander or Pikachu since the event ended. Rumor has it that the legendary birds will be released in Spring and that they might also unlock regionals. What they need to do is enable trading and battling already.  I'm still astounded that after 6 months I still haven't hatched or seen a Lapras.


Of the babies, I am still missing Togepi and elekid. I was definitely spoiled by the free incubators. Once they stopped I went back to my 'one egg at a time' thing and I don't even feel like it is worth it to have to game on when I'm walking to the office unless an egg is close to hatching.


Wow, never seen any of the other regional Pokemon


Hatched Togepi the other day


Charmander returned to my area but I haven't seen Pikachu


Also still no Lapras, nor do I know anyone who's seen and caught Lapras (vs hatching)


Wow, never seen any of the other regional Pokemon


Hatched Togepi the other day


Charmander returned to my area but I haven't seen Pikachu


Also still no Lapras, nor do I know anyone who's seen and caught Lapras (vs hatching)

That was my first time as well and I can't seem to find an absolute answer on whether or not region locked Pokémon can be hatched.

The Shilph Road did a small study and they say "no" and a Niantic CEO said " no" as well but people are swearing that they hatched regionals.

I can see them being that rare,  that a small study wouldn't produce results. I've been playing since July and I never hatched or seen a Lapras and I know they're out there. Makes me not know what to think :D


I caught a Lapras aggggges ago

Aww I wish you could tell me where. I only saw its silhouette back in July, same for Dragonite but that one I have

My boyfriend is the Snorlax king he hatched 5 caught 2 and one of his hatches was a wonder with the best skill set.


I never even seen Lapras or Dragonite on my tracker. Finally bought a powerbank, wanna head into midtown to play. Recently had to go to Harlem, mostly Magnemite, Voltorb and some other things in that area.


My neighborhood's been slightly more interesting in the past month (Dragonair, for example), though there's still an odd lack of Seel, as far as base types go.


i haven't checked in for the past couple of weeks. noticed that they scrambled up the nests again for the rare stuff but commons are still the same, i guess. and heard that they banned bots but not spoofers, and that they sent out cease and desist letters to pokemaps and others that helped folks see pokemon spawns. so... i guess i won't be playing for the next couple of months, not that it would matter to me, since i barely even touch it after that christmas/new year event.


I never even seen Lapras or Dragonite on my tracker. Finally bought a powerbank, wanna head into midtown to play. Recently had to go to Harlem, mostly Magnemite, Voltorb and some other things in that area.


My neighborhood's been slightly more interesting in the past month (Dragonair, for example), though there's still an odd lack of Seel, as far as base types go.

I even froze my ass off going to the boardwalk in midland beach.  Place has 3 gyms and about a dozen or so pokestops

A lot of magnetite but no Lapras. My theory was it's by the water and a boardwalk maybe Lapras being a transport Pokémon would be there. Nope. I did catch a seel there however.


St. George area has pokestops as far as the eye can see. I even went to the ferry. Nothing. Next week I'm going to visit my brother's job. It's in manhattan but I'm not sure what the neighborhood is called. Maybe NoMad?


i haven't checked in for the past couple of weeks. noticed that they scrambled up the nests again for the rare stuff but commons are still the same, i guess. and heard that they banned bots but not spoofers, and that they sent out cease and desist letters to pokemaps and others that helped folks see pokemon spawns. so... i guess i won't be playing for the next couple of months, not that it would matter to me, since i barely even touch it after that christmas/new year event.

I'm hoping they do a Valentines event but I'm reading they won't be doing jack until the spring


I guess I wasn't necessarily expecting an event for Chinese New Year but no Valentine's event would be surprising. My natural assumption would be for them to introduce breeding, though I'm still kinda holdin out for another XP event, though to have one again anytime soon seems unlikely.


I guess I wasn't necessarily expecting an event for Chinese New Year but no Valentine's event would be surprising. My natural assumption would be for them to introduce breeding, though I'm still kinda holdin out for another XP event, though to have one again anytime soon seems unlikely.

I read a rumor that Espeon might be introduced at that time. Something about it taking friendship making eevee evolve into that. I doubt it though since I think it would be annoying to add one ore two Pokémon instead of all of them.  I wanna know when mew and mewtwo come into the game.


They shoulda done a Chinese NY event. Release the legendary birds since it's the year of the rooster. Maybe even unlock farfetch'd

  • 2 weeks later...

6hr lures be like giphy.gif


Hoping to find Chansey


Seeing more Porygon, not sure if his color counts for event

I noticed I caught a porygon as well also, were eggcexute always that pink?  My bf says yes but I'm more like?


I saw/caught my first lickitung, I guess that explains why

I was wondering where the Lickitung were at and why I'm not seeing them.

That little poké is adorable I really like it. I haven't seen them or Chansey yet.  Porygon I'm seeing with more frequency I guess the red qualifies it as V day approved Pokémon


Caught Lickitung in my area once the entire time before the event, got a couple more yesterday


Yeah Pory is def part of this, seen 3 of em on my tracker at once

Same here. Now's the time to catch them with double candy. They should of released the Mews being that they're pink.

This is basically the Halloween event in pink.




I didn't play Saturday or Sunday and lost both streaks for the first time since they added streaks. I thought maybe it was time for a break but I guess not

I really didn't take advantage of the event like I should of, had they already released the new Pokemon prior to the event, maybe I would of played more.


Funny thing is I also haven't seen Slowbro, but I don't need him


Looking forward to all the Gen 2 stuff (avatar things too), sure hope our bags will increase by default to support the new


Really if I were them I'd hold off until spring. Start an ad campaign now or in March but wait until April to drop the new set. Remind in commercials that you can access your old account when you redownload the game. Might capture a fraction of the zeitgeist, instead of just updating the game and only the people still playing noticing


Funny thing is I also haven't seen Slowbro, but I don't need him


Looking forward to all the Gen 2 stuff (avatar things too), sure hope our bags will increase by default to support the new

I hope so my item bag is already at max upgrade


I've seen slowpoke like crazy but no slowbro, I had a pretty decent one until they decided to nerf him for some reason, I still have it but I don't really use it

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