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Tsuredure Children 9


Meh episode except maybe the blue haired girl's segment. The first 2 couples aren't as far along as most couples and thus kinda boring and the red-haired girl in the final couple genuinely annoys me as much as she charms me, possible moreso even, like a 60/40 ratio.


Hunter x Hunter 1999 22


I only saw the episode of 2011 that adapted the content here once, so I don't remember the interactions between Kurapika and the one dude's monkey from that one (assuming they were there at all), but I thought they were nice here. Not sure how to feel about Illumi being voiced by a woman, though. S:



Mr. Osomatsu #7 and #8

Tsuredere Children #6 to #8

WorldEnd #6 and #7


And I also started a Bakuon!! rewatch (capitalization not required, apparently), this time on Blu-ray. And I guess the Sentai Filmworks script is at least a notably different translation, having replaced the lower-tier swearing with just one instance where Rin called Onsa a "frizzy poofy-haired bitch". The TV-14 I originally gave the first episode still stands, though.


Konbini Kareshi 4

Hunter x Hunter 1999 23


Of all the things to have happened this episode, there were two I did not expect at all: Kurapika's wooden swords being real swords, and Hisoka taking over the next episode preview. :it:



Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #11

Puella Magi Madoka Magica #4 and #5


Uh... yikes. I feel like this is gonna end with Shizuka getting raped, or it'll be a very near miss. And this is what I was scared the story would turn into.


As for the latter, I have seen the first four episodes dubbed... back in 2013. You know, the old Neon Alley service. And Crunchyroll somehow has the dub today. So that's a weird viewing experience for an amazing show. Madoka is also notable for being a really difficult show to rate. There's not much notable in terms of violence or sensuality up to here (well, Mami had really big guns). But it's probably the first show I would rate a TV-14 straight for frightening sequences alone. Maybe you could give the first two episodes a TV-PGV (not the third, even if an offscreen non-bloody decapitation fits under that), but I would put a special disclaimer in front of them saying that this show is absolutely not for younger children. Like, up to 10 or so. Maybe 14.


And, but of course, the worst is yet to come... and the best. I don't really have any specific crowning moment because I'm always looking to get better at what I want. <3


[always a new nightmare]


Konbini Kareshi 8


I probably enjoyed this episode more than I normally would have because I watched it in a gloomy mood and it mimicked it pretty nicely. Very brooding episode. That said we're 8 episodes in now of a 12 episode show and only 1 of the 6 couples has received the vast majority of the development. A second has received a little, and the others nearly none.


Tsuredure Children 10


Well that drama at the end for the second-best couple came outta nowhere! Shame their first kiss got marred like that. Damnit Chiaki! :( Also, glasses dude reminds me so, so much of Gakuto from Prison School. Dude's a true bro. :D


Mahoujin Guruguru (2017) 3


I'm not sure if it's because I'm very tired, or if it's because I haven't watched this in over a month, but on more than one occasion this episode my mind tricked me into taking this show seriously before another gag came on to snap me back out of it. :D Bottom line:




Konbini Kareshi 9


Well add another Christmas episode to the pile. :D There were a metric ton of derp faces in this one and at one point the show unfortunately decided to pause on a shot where blonde dude's head looked much too small for his body. :D What little budget this series has is clearly running out. And that whole fakeout with Class Rep magically finding a body double to get on the bus instead of her was pretty silly. At first I thought she really HAD gotten on it and just magically teleported behind him anyway, Jason style. Which honestly I might have preferred. :D And speaking of, they had the gall to tease Halloween at the beginning of the episode when they already wasted their October episode! Those issues aside the Christmas visuals and snowy atmosphere won me over anyway. Speaking of, I've begun to notice there's always one of two types of cakes in anime Christmas episodes: that generic white cake with strawberries on top, or that brown roll cake that looks like half a tree stump fallen on its side. This episode featured the latter though I vastly prefer the former. Anywho looks like our main couple will actually be receiving more attention next week. Honestly the way they teamed up this week it felt like they were already a couple and the show decided to skip a step and just not show us. But then we did get that little tease about that one time not being the first time they met in this episode so...guess we'll see. And as for the other 4? To hell with them...apparently? :D




This is the same show that had a Nazi-esque concentration camp flashback 2 episodes ago mind you. And yes I plan to bring up that dichotomy or duology or whatever in my final thoughts next Sunday.


Knight's & Magic #12

Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #12 (END)


Holy shit. In a bad way.


Now, first of all, this was a hentai. I was expecting a show about crossdressing with potentially some ecchi moments, but nothing to this extent. A lot of my apprehension towards it comes from general broken promises like that. Maybe if I'd known what the manga was about and how it did things, I could've avoided this show all together. But I wouldn't call that a fair tactic. Since, you know, the adaptation should be able to stand on its own.


The other major thing that hangs me up is just how maligned this relationship is shown to be, and both of the people involved take it the wrong way. Look, I do understand if Shizuka is submissive and unable to stand up to Ryou's sexual harassment in public places (I still can't get over the incident on the ferris wheel). But by the end of the show, she's finally learning to not tolerate his bullshit... until she has a brief meeting with another guy and Ryou takes offense to it, and he responds by halfway raping her. At which point she pivots and seemingly admits he's the only man he could ever hope to love in this world, and that she didn't want to make Ryou mad. She likes him for his crossdressing, but apparently the aforementioned harassment is not enough to disqualify him for love, which I think is bull.


According to the Nyaa upload, the manga keeps going from this point; it becomes "interesting and cute" and "doesn’t have rape anymore". But I'm not sure I could continue knowing that Shizuka is in a toxic relationship (and an official one... I didn't mention that the finale has a hardcore sex scene). The only thing this anime is good for is showing in painfully accurate terms on how not to woo a girl. It might also act as unintentional transphobic propaganda. Pat McCrory would love the scene involving sexual harassment in the women's bathroom. Because clearly, all of those genderbending fuckers are as bad as Ryou Kirishima.


This show doesn't need to be rated, since I think just reading the general premise (and knowing it's porn) should already tell you if you'd like it or not. But I will give it one: 3/10. The animation and voice acting weren't bad (they gave it their all... perhaps unfortunately), and the story is... sensible. I don't think it's so bad it's horrible (anything I'd rate lower than this would be, however) but it's easily avoidable. Though I don't feel too bad for having watched it.


Now, on the other hand, Knight's & Magic is actually 13 episodes. I've typed too much here to go into that show, so I'll just wait for the finale.



Baka and Test Episode 13


I have memories of when we got the Funimation Channel waaaaaay back in 2010-2011, and this was one of the shows I always had on in the background, and occasionally watched.  It's a bit nostalgic for me, and that's part of the reason why I decided to give it a watch.  I enjoyed it for what it was, but I will say that this is a rather difficult show to watch with people constantly barging in and out of my bedroom. 


I could probably go right into the second season, but I'll give it a rest before I do that.


Re:Zero replaces Baka and Test.


Oh, and since I didn't mention it before: Kimagure Orange Road replaces Steins;Gate.


Baka and Test Episode 13


I have memories of when we got the Funimation Channel waaaaaay back in 2010-2011, and this was one of the shows I always had on in the background, and occasionally watched.  It's a bit nostalgic for me, and that's part of the reason why I decided to give it a watch.  I enjoyed it for what it was, but I will say that this is a rather difficult show to watch with people constantly barging in and out of my bedroom. 


I could probably go right into the second season, but I'll give it a rest before I do that.


Re:Zero replaces Baka and Test.


Oh, and since I didn't mention it before: Kimagure Orange Road replaces Steins;Gate.


R u me??? I got Funimation Channel on cable from 2009 - 2012!  What memories.


New Game!! 11

Aho Girl 12(END)


Final Thoughts:


A glimpse into Yoshiko's childhood with A-kun. I wasn't sure at first if the 4-koma manga pacing would translate over well to an animated format for this series, but it didn't take too long for the show to convince me. Fun, dumb, humorous little series that I could have used more of over the Fall, but oh well. 7/10



Tsuredure Children 11 - 12(END)


Final Thoughts:


Pretty cute but definitely needed more yankee girl and class president/student council guy in the last episode. They were easily the best couple. I'm a bit iffy on Kana and Chiaki's reconciliation too. Though perhaps that's simply because they're much better with the light-hearted stuff like Kana's bath in episode 11. Boy did she get naked a lot in this series! Not that I'm complaining mind you. :D As far as the other couples go, they ranged from afterthoughts, like that star-gazing duo from the beginning that just vanished, amazed I even remembered them, to having potential but needing more time. Green-haired dude's Gakuto from Prison School-esque bro and the goofy Aoyama from My Hero Academia-esque blonde playboy were both awesome, but the former never got a girl of his own to work off of and the latter's girl was just kinda dropped in his last appearance. I feel there's definitely more potential there with those characters though, and a few more, so hopefully we'll get some more in the future. 7/10


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