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Kuroko no Basket 65


Awww, I want to give Testu a hug so much! I thought that these flashback episodes would annoy me, but I'm really into them. It's also interesting to see how their middle school team went off the rails while getting a breather from the tournament that's currently going on. Then again, I'm watching a bunch of shonen sports shows at the same time, so that could be the main reason why I dig the breaks from the main plot.



Kuroko no Basket 75


I'm so-so on how the game ended with all 'IN THE ZONE!' stuff and Demon Akashi going back to Nice Akashi, but that photo to the old middle school coach(I think that's who that was)at the end was a sweet touch.



Kuroko no Basket 75.5


Ahhh, so this is how that photo was taken. I'm a sucker for awkward meetings, so the Generation of Miracles showing up at Kagami's place was funny. This was a great place for a hopefully temporary ending.



My Hero Academia 8


All Might's situation is definitely different than your happy-go-lucky usual superhero shows, but while it's a nice change and more thought out, his death will make me ugly cry.



My Hero Academia 14

*Sigh* I hate when really good shows have short seasons because it's like blink and you're at season 2.


For a guy who zips himself up in a sleeping bag, I really didn't expect Aizawa to show up to class when he was still so badly messed up. Props also go to Frog Girl for tongue slapping Perv Boy when he was about to accuse a girl of PMSing. I really like her and Ochaco.



All Out 9


Ebumi is literally running over that dude who talked a bunch of shit earlier in the game, and I am here for it. Seriously though. Trash talk involving injuries or family makes me totally okay with beatdowns on the field.



Edited to add in:


Fuck that teacher adviser.



All Out 11


Zanba is way too fine for a dude with black eyeballs. I want a future episode where Ryoin asks Jinko for a match after namedropping Gion just so I can watch a bigger reaction than I got to see when Gion found the coach. Not even the captain disappearing for half a game in the practice match bothered me as much as this getting glossed over. It is highly unlikely for Gion's teammates not to have cornered him to demand what the fuck he was googling to end up with that coach's contact info, especially since he's retired.



All Out 14


Okay so the coach has a blog, and Gion being able to contact him will stop bothering me. Unfortunately with that out of the way, of course the show then made me cry. The coach's character is so well done that I suspect he was modeled after a real life person/people.



My Hero Academia 17

BanG Dream! 13(END)


Final Thoughts:


And so we end with the girls of Poppin' Party finally making their SPACE debut as the venue's final performance. They even managed to get that hardass owner to applaud them! :D Pretty damn adorable and uplifting finale. Good job girls! :D Overall a good show I'd say. It turned out to be a smaller scoped series than I expected. I was sure the girls would help keep SPACE opened through their popularity but they barely managed to get good enough to play there at all by the end. For a CGDCT show though small scope ain't bad. The series did drag a bit in the middle around Saya's arc, but it recovered. Nothing particularly groundbreaking or original for the girls start a band genre...aside from perhaps the star pupil eyes(which I did like btw), but certainly enjoyable enough. All the girls were likeable, yes even Arisa, and easy to root for. And did I mention adorable? :D It was mostly a very comfy watch. Would definitely check out more if it came. Solid 7/10. :)



Diamond no Ace 55


I thought someone got hit when a player yelled "Stop!", but nope, it was just a shout to get the fuck out of the way as Furuya threw a meteor to home plate. That was a nice bit of animation for that scene too.



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 3, 3


On Shigeru's birthday Natsume runs into Shibata, an old grade school classmate of his who asks for his help investigating Murasaki, a young girl who he suspects might be a youkai. Well another bittersweet episode to add onto the ever increasing pile. :D Shibata came off too douchey, early on anyway, for me to get emotionally invested enough to get teary eyed while Murasaki and he had their final goodbye. But I suppose the scene itself was nice. Nyanko-sensei had several adorable moments that stood out far more than the main story this time though. Oh, and happy birthday Shigeru! :D



Natsume's Book of Friends Season 3, 4


We get an extended look into Natsume's childhood via flashback, through the eyes of a tree-bound cat-transforming youkai who interacted with him over one summer back then. Ah, now that's more like it. A very poignant episode what with the thoughts on the benefits of being alone and how pretty much everyone in Natsume's life treated him like shit back then. The tears came for me at the end, when Natsume, his life having taken a drastic turn for the better in recent years, came back to see/reconcile with the tree youkai who, overjoyed upon meeting him again, quickly embraced him. Now THAT was touching. :D MAL says she only appeared in this season of the show. A pity, I woulda enjoyed her as a regular member of Natsume's crew. :D


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