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There is a cat drawn in menstrual blood on my bedroom wall. It kind of sucks that I'll probably never move out of this great apartment because the idea of someone moving in and realizing what it is makes me laugh.


I want to wear a hidden camera and show exactly how much food goes to waste at my $8 an hour job. I think if uploading those videos became a trend among workers, our country would have to do something to at least marginally reign in corporate waste, which would result in billions of pounds of food going to people each year instead of the trash.


When you get caught walking in the rain less than halfway to where you're going, don't turn back the way you came and try to get a ride from your starting location because the rain will let up and stop as soon as you get back there and so you'll turn around and begin again only to get caught in even worse weather and by that time you could've already gotten to where you were going had you just gone faster the first time it started raining instead of back, so go where you're going.


There is a cat drawn in menstrual blood on my bedroom wall. It kind of sucks that I'll probably never move out of this great apartment because the idea of someone moving in and realizing what it is makes me laugh.



The fact that it happened in the first place is gross.......The fact that it's still there reminds me why the only way we'd ever hypothetically hang out is if you come visit me.


I want to wear a hidden camera and show exactly how much food goes to waste at my $8 an hour job. I think if uploading those videos became a trend among workers, our country would have to do something to at least marginally reign in corporate waste, which would result in billions of pounds of food going to people each year instead of the trash.



People have tried and no one cares........We make sandwiches with meat in place of bread.  We don't give a shit about what we consume....Why the fuck would we care about what we throw away.



When you get caught walking in the rain less than halfway to where you're going, don't turn back the way you came and try to get a ride from your starting location because the rain will let up and stop as soon as you get back there and so you'll turn around and begin again only to get caught in even worse weather and by that time you could've already gotten to where you were going had you just gone faster the first time it started raining instead of back, so go where you're going.



I may have missed one of the Nabby misadventures, but don't you have a car, with a busted window?  I mean you'd be marginally dryer that way.


That car has been having some problems that finally became too unsafe for even me to ignore, and I only just this week have been able to afford to get it fixed. Should get it back tomorrow or the next day.


My life is kind of fucked too right now and I don't know how to fix it.

I don't really want to talk about the hows and whys on the board but I'm a fuckup.


Yeah that's where I'm at.


Man I'm sending hugs your way dude! So like what's the story behind this cat drawing?


Some girls wear these little cups that collect their menstrual blood as they go about their day. This girl's cup was full of blood so we finger painted with it on the walls and made a happy cat face.


I don't really remember​ much beyond that.


Some girls wear these little cups that collect their menstrual blood as they go about their day. This girl's cup was full of blood so we finger painted with it on the walls and made a happy cat face.


I don't really remember​ much beyond that.


I was really hoping the story behind this would make it a little less odd.....Alas,.....



There's a good documentary on Netflix about throwing away food called Global Waste. The industries are aware every step of the way from farm to store that they throw away edible food just b/c it's shaped weird or superficially blemished. They just do it.


I started a new job in the produce department yesterday. Our produce department's "freshness score" which is some ambiguous corporate bullshit metric is really terrible, so the orders are to throw away as much produce as possible when culling, in order to boost the freshness score. Technically a lot of it is supposed to be marked down and sold as clearance items but there isn't enough time in the day to do that so it all just gets thrown away.


I'll have to check that documentary out. I kind of want to film one at work of just the shit I'm told candidly but I don't have a camera.


I was really hoping the story behind this would make it a little less odd.....Alas,.....



The cups are for girls who have very heavy flows.


The cups are for girls who have very heavy flows.


I know what the cups for, my questions are


-Why would you touch it (since you said "we" did it)

-Why would you put it on your wall

-why would you leave it there after the fact

-Who the hell is ths chick that likes to play with her flow

-Does your room smell like fish

-Has she ever touched your food......Though all things considered I doubt this is a factor in whether or not you'd consume it.

-Is this complete bullshit.


I know what the cups for, my questions are


-Why would you touch it (since you said "we" did it)

-Why would you put it on your wall

-why would you leave it there after the fact

-Who the hell is ths chick that likes to play with her flow

-Does your room smell like fish

-Has she ever touched your food......Though all things considered I doubt this is a factor in whether or not you'd consume it.

-Is this complete bullshit.


Honestly, the story is 8/10 without an explanation, so I wouldn't ruin it with over sharing (Lol).


Seriously, though, the fish smell is what I was thinking about to.

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