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Of course. It will be entirely merit based. And you certainly won't be giving the highest scores solely to the young ladies you find attractive, in vein and unconscionable attempts to gain their attention. Clearly.


Of course. It will be entirely merit based. And you certainly won't be giving the highest scores solely to the young ladies you find attractive, in vein and unconscionable attempts to gain their attention. Clearly.



The young ladies already love me such that my attractive coworkers are insanely jealous and blow me off at every attempt, so there's no need to give them the highest scores when I already have them in the palms of my hands. I'm more concerned about my 28 year old female coworkers. It's really frightening to me that they envy the attention I'm giving to 17 and 18 year old girls. Maybe I need to talk to my boss about this.


That sounds like a dreadfully boring discussion. The inordinate amount of attention you give to the teenage girls should speak for itself. If it really needs to be brought to the administration's attention though, surely one your coworkers could be persuaded to handle the busywork of talking about trifling details.


It's pretty funny how you have to pretend to work at a high school for content because it's the only environment you're familiar with outside of your home and shitty retail stores.


Why would you be judging a science fair? When my kids were in school, that was done by science teachers - you know, those teachers who know about science.


If you're going to post bullshit,either make it believable or make it totally over the top.


Why would you be judging a science fair? When my kids were in school, that was done by science teachers - you know, those teachers who know about science.


If you're going to post bullshit,either make it believable or make it totally over the top.



It's only for the students in my class. I'm the second judge next to the teacher I work under. But the thing is that this HS is a charter school that focuses on behavior modification, so that the kids can go back to their normal high school and behave, so there really isn't a lot of learning going on. The judging is supposed to boost their self-esteem, provided that they've at least put in the work, but I'm thinking that I'll go rogue and do my part of the judging in a more sincere manner.  8)


Why would a science fair take all week? This "school" you work at isn't a public school so I can't imagine there is a huge number of students.


Also I'm starting to get confused on what type of school this is. At first I thought it was like an at-risk school for kids who have been expelled but now it sounds like a school for special needs kids or something, what exactly is it? Also, either way I would have thought you would have to have training in First Aid/CPR and some form of Crisis Intervention training before staring but it sounds like you just were given a manual and thrown right in.


Technically "special needs", but I call it at-risk because the students generally have behavioral issues. A minority of them don't, and their presence at the school surprises me because there isn't any real instruction going on by the teacher. She gives them classwork every day, but it's expected that they just read the textbook and do it on their own. 


The science fair isn't lasting every moment of the day all week long, it's only during our one science period all week long. Why would I need First Aid/CPR? Lol, they're not sickly students; they're the students who disrupt classes and start fights (generally speaking again, a handful are very docile).


Technically "special needs", but I call it at-risk because the students generally have behavioral issues. A minority of them don't, and their presence at the school surprises me because there isn't any real instruction going on by the teacher. She gives them classwork every day, but it's expected that they just read the textbook and do it on their own. 


The science fair isn't lasting every moment of the day all week long, it's only during our one science period all week long. Why would I need First Aid/CPR? Lol, they're not sickly students; they're the students who disrupt classes and start fights (generally speaking again, a handful are very docile).


Do they have ISPs then? What's the student-teacher ratio?


What does them being "sickly" have to do with first aid/CPR? Any time you work with people in a context like that you need first aid and CPR because you never know what's going to happen and you can't always wait for a nurse. And what about Crisis Intervention training? You don't just let the students fight each other. How do you break up fights? What do you do if a student acts out and you are the target? If only a "handful" are docile it sounds like fights would be a frequent occurrence so how do you deal with it?


There's a support staff in the hallway at all times that deals with the altercations. I guess that's what you meant by the CPR/First Aid trained people. I sit at the back and the teacher is always at the front, that way if something goes down one of us leaves the classroom to alert a support staff member, even though, in my case, I think I'd personally want to see what the kid's got first! :punchsmiley:


There's a support staff in the hallway at all times that deals with the altercations. I guess that's what you meant by the CPR/First Aid trained people. I sit at the back and the teacher is always at the front, that way if something goes down one of us leaves the classroom to alert a support staff member, even though, in my case, I think I'd personally want to see what the kid's got first! :punchsmiley:


OK that seems a bit strange and potentially dangerous but whatever.


Gonna take that as a no on the ISP thing then. Do you even know what an ISP is? Is this "school" even officially certified?


OK that seems a bit strange and potentially dangerous but whatever.


Gonna take that as a no on the ISP thing then. Do you even know what an ISP is? Is this "school" even officially certified?


Why pretend like this is real though?


If you want people to stop calling you a liar, it's really simple: take pics of yourself in the classroom w/ the students. Then you post them on here. Any BS about you not supposing to take pictures will not be accepted. If you are an alpha-male-lone-wolf-what-the-fuck-ever you call yourself, then you won't let something as silly as "rules" stop you from proving yourself.


Then again, if you are full of shit, as everyone believes, then you will come up with some lame-ass excuse as to why you can't do it. Just know, if you do, no one will ever believe anything you say ever again (not that they do now, but as far as I'm concerned, it'll be the final nail in the coffin).


Hmmm guess I could take a pic. I dunno, I don't care about being called a liar, I'm actually worried somebody on here will try to get me fired!!! Like I'm thinking at least one person's gonna pull some forensic investigation detective shet to find out where I work lol


As you tempestuously cum in your cargo pants to the sight of children with golf course green bosoms remember that you're not allowed to give yourself 1st place for your own volcano. 

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