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No its where people from ib get on camera and say and do retarded things.



You should know that. :P


so ... just to be clear ... no hot singles then  whut


No its where people from ib get on camera and say and do retarded things.



You should know that. :P


I actually thought that was over because I kept checking the swim odin one  :D


I actually thought that was over because I kept checking the swim odin one  :D


No that room started to suck after a while because the only mods that were in there were annoying and very control freakish.


Ben had the right idea to make his tc the main one!


Well I doubt anybody is going to come in in the next 10 mins so I'm going to rule this and the tc room dead for the night.



How disappointing.    ::HMM::


I live to lower expectations.


I popped in, no one seemed to be there.

It was most active between 7:PM and  midnight


which is weirdly early hours


Ben is out of town with his boyfriend so he wasn't in it

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