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What cartoon are you watching on cable, Netflix, Hulu, etc

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Watched Inspector Gadget 2015 ep 15 on Netflix.


waiting for Voltron season 2 and Young Justice season 3


haven't watched anything on Netflix in a few months


waiting for Voltron season 2 and Young Justice season 3


haven't watched anything on Netflix in a few months


I'm waiting for Voltron season 2 also.  I didn't know about Young Justice

season 3.  That's a good show too.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Zintar

Rewatched all of Superjail seasons 2 & 4 this week. Seems many people think only season one was excellent and the show dropped in quality after Titmouse took on production. I disagree. I think all four seasons were great.


Also watched several random eps of Regular Show and Clarence last night and today.


Watching a few episodes of Regular Show (season 5) now, gonna watch some 12 Oz Mouse next.

  • 2 weeks later...

I need to do a rewatch myself, now that I'm not yelling at it for taking up AS timeslots.  (Jack is back and it's totes adult now!  Blood!  Boobs!  Cursing!  Guns!)


Watched Voltron:  Legendary Defender S2 ep 7.


Escaping on a cow was cool  :D

It's too bad they couldn't play the game system.


eh, I dropped voltron


they pulled a Naruto and claimed all the weird gayish seeming subtext between Keith and Shiro was "brotherly love"


Well I would have dropped it if they had thrown away all the character dynamics for the "lol, space gays" BS tumblr keeps trying to push.  The show is supposed to be for everyone.


Well I would have dropped it if they had thrown away all the character dynamics for the "lol, space gays" BS tumblr keeps trying to push.  The show is supposed to be for everyone.

if they hadn't made Keith and Shiro have long loving stares into eachothers eyes while touching music played then said that long romantic looks were "meant to be brotherly" I wouldn't have dropped it



it's like when the 90's dub of Sailor Moon tried to claim Sailor Uranus and Sailor neptune were "cousins" to explain why they were blatantly picking up women and constantly flirting with eachother (as opposed to just editing out the lesbian scenes)


It was NOTHING like that.  They were not flirting with other men (the only one flirting is Lance and he's clearly heterosexual).  They were not having long stares into each other's eyes.  The bond was familial, but fuck if we can't have those anymore.


And of course there was this:




As seen in a Gundam movie actually, which means they know a lot more about giant robot cartoons than the Voltron Force writers did.




It was NOTHING like that.  They were not flirting with other men (the only one flirting is Lance and he's clearly heterosexual).  They were not having long stares into each other's eyes.  The bond was familial, but fuck if we can't have those anymore.


And of course there was this:




As seen in a Gundam movie actually, which means they know a lot more about giant robot cartoons than the Voltron Force writers did.



Legendary Defender in general shows a great deal more respect for classic Giant Robot series than Voltron force did


which makes sense....because LD is more of a remake of Golion than it is Voltron (Golion was the anime the original Voltron's source footage came from and a lot was heavily changed in the Voltron dub, much of which has been reverted to it's Golion versions in LD)



I still wish more things had Gay characters....AND I wish writers would stop writing "Bromances" and just write actual brotherly realistic affection



I would just like to further clarify why the Keith Shiro scenes were romantic to me


Compare how Zoro and Sanji treat eachother in One Piece, they fight sometimes, but other times they're clearly friends, they're buddies, their friendship is portrayed as very close, but stable, and not in any way romantic


THEY represent a brotherly friendship


what Keith and Shiro had, while more suble...was more like what Naruto and Sasuke appear to have....which is a weird "romantic friendship", their behavior doesn't seem "brotherly" it's uncomfortable, they're way too "tender" with eachother, their tones of voice during one on one conversations are breathy, and gentle, aka Loving, BUT, in a way that people who view each other as siblings would not be

maybe I just pick up on it more because I'm gay....but Shiro and Keith's bond in VLD is LITERALLY identical to Uranus and Neptunes bond in Sailor Moon, except they threw in a "we're brothers" disclaimer to deny it


Good jorb on that one, Poke. ::spin::


I've only gotten by on watching the first eight episodes through [as] proper, but I hope to be just as pumped for the new ones.

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