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My old gf hasn't logged back into OKC since Tuesday

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I made up with her and apologized for flipping out via text back in December. This is the "come to PA and buy me everything from Vineyard Vines" 18 year old cutie.

When she logs back in, she'll see my message asking her out again, and then we'll know if we're back together, but for now I'm just trying to get on good terms again. Sometimes you have to apologize even if it wasn't altogether your fault just for the sake of  <3 <3 <3.


I made up with her and apologized for flipping out via text back in December. This is the "come to PA and buy me everything from Vineyard Vines" 18 year old cutie.

When she logs back in, she'll see my message asking her out again, and then we'll know if we're back together, but for now I'm just trying to get on good terms again. Sometimes you have to apologize even if it wasn't altogether your fault just for the sake of  <3 <3 <3.


No, don't "come to PA."


Ever. :|


This is the "come to PA and buy me everything from Vineyard Vines" 18 year old cutie.


So she just wants a Sugar Daddy? Or just some poor chump dumb enough to buy shit for her before she disappears forever?


So she just wants a Sugar Daddy? Or just some poor chump dumb enough to buy shit for her before she disappears forever?



Nah she doesn't know what she wants anymore. Don't be jealous, Athena, she's my baby for now, but maybe I'll become single again someday.  ;)


She hasn't added any new guys on FB, which I think would happen if she'd met up with anybody since she last logged in on Tuesday, so I think she's either just trying to come back to a lot of messages when she logs in next, she's busy with her final months of HS, or she just needs a break from OKC to think about what happened between us last December and think about how she'll be more responsive the next time around.



So many possibilities, the key here is that she's not getting pounded by a non-Zeni guy, and that's all that matters. :)

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