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What is in your opinion the schlockiest, most idiosyncratic sequence ever put to film?

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I was rewatching Jurassic Park 2 the other day and it got to the T-Rex runs around a city part and I had to pause the movie because I felt like I was on the verge on having an existential crisis and possible panic attack. Like yeah movies are inherently weird, goofy subjective things to begin with but something in my brain just snapped while revisiting this sequence. Like... this was actually produced and put to film and nobody along the way stopped and said "No. No this is dumb. Stop it. Cut it. No." Because I mean even like the Transformers movies are dumb but at least they are self aware and do not take themselves super seriously but this really got to me for some reason. 



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4 minutes ago, Skiles said:

While I'm considering my answer, isn't Lost World the third movie, or am I crazy?

Nope it is the second. I think Jurassic Park 3 (stylized "III") was just called that. But maybe I am wrong.

Just now, Mortir said:

Nope it is the second. I think Jurassic Park 3 (stylized "III") was just called that. But maybe I am wrong.

Shit, you're right. I remember now because I had the VHS. The III was claw marks. Never mind, I was a fool. Stand by while I formulate my answer. 


I would also like to present this example, specifically, from Star Trek Into Darkness. While this movie was just overall bad it was at this point that I completely checked out in the theater and went to take a smoke break and use the restroom.


Posted (edited)

Kinda specifically just the first part of this scene but I could not find a more isolated clip.


Edited by Mortir
8 hours ago, cyberbully said:

all of them

Yeah I kinda get that too. I especially hate myself when I am watching a scene in a movie where a character is struggling to do something to save a character and I am like "Come on! Do it faster! They are gonna fall/there is only 30 seconds left!" even though I have seen the movie before and know exactly how things are going to play out. Suspension of disbelief is a weird thing.

Just now, Mortir said:

Yeah I kinda get that too. I especially hate myself when I am watching a scene in a movie where a character is struggling to do something to save a character and I am like "Come on! Do it faster! They are gonna fall/there is only 30 seconds left!" even though I have seen the movie before and know exactly how things are going to play out. Suspension of disbelief is a weird thing.

There is always this small tinge of "This time it'll be different". But I think thats just....Well, I dunno.

Honestly, my post was a cop out because I felt you were being a bit unfair but then I also thought to myself that this is exactly the kind of cynicism that fuels my being, so criticizing it would by hypocritical.  Then I thought about that movie with the rock where the city is flooding and they are tring to escape in speedboats and shit.....

There is one part where his daughter is trapped under water and he basically watches her die....but somehow she was just sleppy or some shit....Its not the best example and Im not articulating it fairly because I dont remember why I was so triggered over it, but yeah


Not really schlock but just overall bad editing. One of the few movies I walked out of the theater and it was this scene that made me give up on it.


1 hour ago, Mortir said:

Not really schlock but just overall bad editing. One of the few movies I walked out of the theater and it was this scene that made me give up on it.


I really like total recall the original bc it's impossible to know if it's real or him hallucinating. When I was stuck in limbo in my room for a year in 2008 I only had a vcr and VHS in there and I was so drugged out I just kept watching like the same 15 movies. Idk why but I watched total recall a lot toward the end I just kept rewinding it and playing it over and over. I think I was looking for clues that would confirm if it was real or not.

Then they made the remake... and the first time i saw the remake I happened to be in a k hole. It made it rather amazing and the next day I couldn't remember like anything about the movie. So I decided I would only ever watch the 2012 Total Recall if I was peaking on a heavy dose of dissociative drugs (ketamine, cough syrup, or PCP) always dissociatives never psychedelics like acid or shrooms.

It's like an experiment. I wanted to see if I could ever "recall" the entire plot. I've seen the movie from start to finish like at least 30 times always tripping out and I just can't tell u what happens like at all. I have no opinion on whether the car chase scene is cheesy or not. It's like it's there but it's not... And it's so fucking incredible.

When I watch it, it feels so familiar. Once I got to around maybe the 20th viewing or so.. as I watch I feel like "oh yea I remember this part. I've seen all this before. This is it. I've finally broken the cycle. This time I'll remember everything, and it won't be the same ever again." But it's like a dream. I come down and the next day it's gone. It's like that every time now. In the moment I'm 100% convinced that I'll finally remember.

It's so amazing and I'm so glad I started doing it. I get chills just thinking about this movie. And I've heard ppl say it's pretty shitty. But apparently I will never know if it is or not. I can't even tell you if it's ambiguous like the original.

I can only imagine what it would be like to watch it 100% sober. Idk if I ever will...

Anyway... long story short, I can't let myself watch the clip. If you say it's schlock, I believe you.

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3 minutes ago, Poof said:

It's like it's there but it's not

It is not really schlock more just confusing and honestly not any more incoherent and sloppy than the rest of the movie. I have never seen the end I just remember that being the part I walked out after. I have not tried to rewatch it. It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. 

  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, Mortir said:

It is not really schlock more just confusing and honestly not any more incoherent and sloppy than the rest of the movie. I have never seen the end I just remember that being the part I walked out after. I have not tried to rewatch it. It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. 

I unno it probably is

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