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SInce it's halloween I should tell you about the ghoul girl

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So this room I'm staying in at my parents' house wasn't my room here when I was a kid. This room was my brother's room. My parent's took over my old room w/their hoarding shit and so they put me in here. There's a particular window in this room. On the second floor. This window I had a dream about a long time ago.

The dream was about a ghoul girl who was piling up cut wood like firewood against the house really high right up to the window. Like a big pile you could climb up. She was like dead like a ghoul w/long dirty wet hair and a nondescript funky white typical decrepit ghoul girl dress.

I want to say she had like a knife or creepy axe or something but I can't remember for sure. I can just remember the impression that she was dangerous.

I wasn't watching her from inside the house. I was in the backyard watching her build her way up to the window. It was nighttime. I was hidden behind some bushes. She had no idea I was watching. 

So the interesting thing is that when I had this dream, this wasn't any particular window to me. I never went in my brothers room much so I never looked out this window much or even thought about it. But now I live in this room, and I have my bed right up against the wall w/the window. It's right here like a foot away from me right now. I sleep by it.

I think I've seen the ghoul girl in a few of my other dreams. Once she had this weird black triangular mask over her face. Once we were in the back of a van together. She only ever said one thing to me in my dreams, but it's too scary for me to repeat. I feel like if I even type it out it'll bring it to life somehow.

I live in this room for the time being. I try not to think about the ghoul girl climbing up to my window... but I do... I really like fresh air so I keep the window open a lot. This room gets really hot. All the heat in the house comes up to this room. So even in the winter I like to keep it open just alittle. It's open right now.

I think maybe one night she'll be there when I go to open or close the window

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6 hours ago, ghostrek said:

i am not sure this even true or not if it is 

but you creeped the hell out of me 

It's true. It was a very vivid dream that stuck w/me. Every dream w/the ghoul girl in them are super vivid and I can't forget about them. Since I moved in here, I tried not to think about it. Like eventually I'd just forget and stop thinking about it, but I just keep thinking about her and this window.

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3 hours ago, Juice McKenzie said:

I've been having dreams on and off about a family friend who i've always been sexually attracted too.

well things between me and the ghoul girl are strictly platonic

27 minutes ago, Juice McKenzie said:

but, what if she like likes you?

I think she might but if she comes to my window im gonna blow her away w/my shotgun

5 hours ago, Juice McKenzie said:

she might just have trouble expressing her feelings

and knocking

what if she's me?

On 10/31/2020 at 1:20 AM, Poof said:

 but it's too scary for me to repeat. I feel like if I even type it out it'll bring it to life somehow.


You've inspired me to say something that happened in a dream that i kept bottled up since i was like 10.  The thing is i could have said it long ago but i forgot all about it until now.

In my dream i was playing Contra, and i died..but the dude didn't just flip over and died like he normally did.  Instead he writhed in pain for several seconds, suffering and slowly fighting for each breath that i knew would eventually cease. Then the game over screen popped up and it said "do you want to go to hell" and i picked yes....then there was evil laughter as i realized my mistake and i screamed noooooo, but it was too late, i was awake.

For literally years, that dream haunted my waling hours because all i could think was "im going to hell". I was so terrified that i couldn't even tell my mom....this is how fucking hard they hammer Christianity into you in some households.

But i forgot all about this...Nihilism is such refreshing freedom.

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3 hours ago, cyberbully said:

You've inspired me to say something that happened in a dream that i kept bottled up since i was like 10.  The thing is i could have said it long ago but i forgot all about it until now.

In my dream i was playing Contra, and i died..but the dude didn't just flip over and died like he normally did.  Instead he writhed in pain for several seconds, suffering and slowly fighting for each breath that i knew would eventually cease. Then the game over screen popped up and it said "do you want to go to hell" and i picked yes....then there was evil laughter as i realized my mistake and i screamed noooooo, but it was too late, i was awake.

For literally years, that dream haunted my waling hours because all i could think was "im going to hell". I was so terrified that i couldn't even tell my mom....this is how fucking hard they hammer Christianity into you in some households.

But i forgot all about this...Nihilism is such refreshing freedom.

Yea I know what you mean. I still think about hell and stuff even tho I wasn't raised christian at all just bc it's everywhere. I don't believe in it tho the whole abrahamic afterlife is dumb af

fuck it tho I guess I'll tell u what she said

It was during a dream that was just like a kaleidoscope of death decay gore and infected wounds. No plot or narrative just images. Then like a basement came to form and me and ghoul girl were there. All the decay was just outside the basement somehow. I closed me eyes to try not to look at ghoul girl and she said "Alone in a drawer" I woke up as soon as she said it

I was like what does that mean and it didn't take long for me to think it meant like the refrigerator drawers in a morgue bc you'd have to be in a drawer to be alone in it. So what kind of drawer would that be? Oh like a morgue. I tried to forget about what she said and the connection I made to a morgue, but it's another one that just sticks with me. That's kind of what bothers me about ghoul girl dreams. I remember them so well for so long.

3 hours ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Not a bad creepy pasta one way or the other. 

well I wrote it and didn't make anything up. That's not saying much tho since there's nothing supernatural it's all about a dream, my thoughts, and the coincidence that I sleep next to this window now

Posted (edited)
On 11/1/2020 at 9:14 AM, Juice McKenzie said:

woah. existential

well to be fair I never thought of her being me before until I saw that in a movie where the person is the ghost... although there are some coincidences between the girl in the movie and myself.... which kinda makes it all creepier kinda. I dont wanna spoil the movie tho

edit: 2-18-2021 - Slept with the blinds open and had some very ghouly vibes the last couple nights. 

Edited by Poof
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