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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind Episodio 35 Discussion

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3.5 stars. This author makes some really good points as to how on some level this is kind of a contrived mess, but man that imagery! I would have gone 4 stars at least, because in a series this nonsensical and bizarre I'm willing to buy it all!

Man, we've come a long way from that ancient stone mask, haven't we? Only 4 episodes left to go in all of this JOJO series in currently in existence!

Although this DOES leave questions as to how Toonami is going to present all this, since Fire Force Season 2 was previously announced for October 24th, but thanks to the Bat-Break, now both JoJo and Fire Force season 1 have an extra episode left to go. Will Toonami expand on October 24th? Will Black Clover take a break on October 17th just so Fire Force can double-up (which is also likely because BC is running out of dubbed episodes)? And what about Ass Class? Will it move back to 1:30 after the break, with Fire Force taking 1? It would certainly be interesting if both Ass Class and BC took a break on October 17th so both JoJo AND Fire Force could be doubled-up for one week only! And with the RTJ special seismically shifting the entire block an hour later, I guess more instabliity in October may not be all that bad.

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