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Literally all you do is run from one end of the map to the other and some mini games. Why are people all over this game lately? It doesn't even look fun looks frustrating. 


Good point. Yeah hte games are pretty short and simple. One of the mini games is literally memory squares. I personally do not find it very enjoyable though I am sure it is the right "speed" for a lot of gamers.


It's a party game....Saying it's for short attention spans is kinda retarded because people play it for hours.  The games, themselves are short because who wants to wait for 50 people to get a turn....Conversely, what 50 people want to play one game for an hour to declare one winner.

Have you guys ever played with a large group of friends....A quick turnabout is key to keeping the game fun and not have people who are obviously losing just sitting and waiting for the next round.


Idk I just can't imagine sitting there for hour on end running from start to finish or pushing balls around or playing grab ass. If that is your thing no offense but I think it could be a lot more exciting. 

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