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I'm still not going to vote for you.

So, in the state of Illinois fatboy Prickster closed down all schools, restaurants, etc. Til the end of the month because of the new hottest thing to come out of China since the fortune cookie. I mean, it's cool and all for me since I only have to work 4 hour shifts for the next 3 days and then I get 10 days off in a row, while still getting paid 40 a week, but at the same time this whole thing is stupid and unneeded.

Just now, scoobdog said:

Every state is doing the same thing.  The threat of spread is so serious that it's neither stupid nor unneeded.

Meh, I'm still under the belief that the media is just inflating this as much as humanly possible to make their money on coverage.

that's not me saying I don't think all this isn't real and isn't a threat, but the true scope of it I think is vastly less than what it's made out to be. It's easy to make something sound like the next plague when you make that all that's ever reported on, and you're constantly getting stories from people that are or have had a bad episode with the virus, but for the most part I think it's all a fraud.

  • D'oh 2
9 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Meh, I'm still under the belief that the media is just inflating this as much as humanly possible to make their money on coverage.

that's not me saying I don't think all this isn't real and isn't a threat, but the true scope of it I think is vastly less than what it's made out to be. It's easy to make something sound like the next plague when you make that all that's ever reported on, and you're constantly getting stories from people that are or have had a bad episode with the virus, but for the most part I think it's all a fraud.

A lot of Italians probably thought the same thing before it exploded on them.  We should have taken if more serious a month ago and we wouldn't have to take such drastic steps now.


Covid 19 is serious business.

But if you want to find out why Gov Fatso was so po'd ... he's screwed up this state so bad (along with Madigan's idiots in Springfield) that even his money can't buy us out...

"Whether or not the U.S. technically hits a recession as a result of the coronavirus, the economy will take a hit and lead to financial pain. In emergencies like this, state governments typically dip into reserves, or “rainy-day” funds, to cover shortfalls.

But Illinois only has enough cash in its rainy-day fund to last about 15 1/2 minutes.

That’s how long the $1.19 million in the Illinois Budget Stabilization fund would last in a state that intends to spend $40 billion this fiscal year.

Experts say states should have enough stored away in savings to cover about a month.

Rainy-day funds are important because they let state governments fund core services when economic downturns cut into expected tax revenue. Springfield’s spending habits and resistance to reform have made Illinoisans severely vulnerable in the event of a fiscal crisis – and lawmakers’ increasing reliance on volatile revenue sources only compounds the state’s exposure to risk.

Illinois received a grade of “D” for its reserve funds in the most recent report on state budgeting by the Volcker Alliance. Only Illinois and Kansas received that poor of a grade for 2019."

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, tsar4 said:

Meanwhile, in IL today...



It's still stupid af.

I have friends that work in the restaurant business, them being put out of work like this and they're not even able to sign up for unemployment.


You're arguing that people should still be working at places where groups of people congregate, potentially spreading the infection.

I'm arguing that Gov. Fatso, who was sooooo upset with the Feds about what happened at O'Hare (large backup of people congregated together awaiting their turn to be checked), turns a blind eye to groups of people congregated to vote.  He could easily asked for a delay in the vote in order to allow for more mail-in voting if he was sooo concerned.


8 hours ago, Gyaos said:

Our governor, who's also a fatso, is encouraging people to go out and eat if they want to. It's like Opposite Land, here.


However, my brother works as a manager for a restaurant, so I don't really want ANY of them to close if they don't have to. People are still eating out. It's just a very worrying time.

I heard people say that WV isn't even doing any tests for this, that being why they have no reported cases.

  • Sad 1
9 hours ago, tsar4 said:

You're arguing that people should still be working at places where groups of people congregate, potentially spreading the infection.

I'm arguing that Gov. Fatso, who was sooooo upset with the Feds about what happened at O'Hare (large backup of people congregated together awaiting their turn to be checked), turns a blind eye to groups of people congregated to vote.  He could easily asked for a delay in the vote in order to allow for more mail-in voting if he was sooo concerned.


Outside of Chicago, Illinois for the most part isn't at much of a risk. Before Prickster shut down all schools, all the superintendents in my county had a big meeting, discussing what should be done, them deciding against shutting down school in the county (this being before the governor did his thing), citing that there hasn't been a single case in our county or surrounding counties as the reason they weren't gonna close down school, them still taking precautions though.

1 hour ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

I heard people say that WV isn't even doing any tests for this, that being why they have no reported cases.

No testing? More like insignificant testing. Yesterday, there were 41 submitted cases and 38 that had yet to come back.

However, this has changed. West Virginia has one confirmed case in the eastern panhandle (near Maryland and Virginia). I've said it before in a previous thread, but I am certain that there are more unknown cases that just have yet to be discovered, or are already here.


And my vacation was over before it even started, because someone always has to ruin it for everyone else.

The deal with our boss is we can do rotations so we all get down time, the way me and the other guys at my building had it was where we each work 3 days, getting 10 days total off (including weekends), me picking up the odd day for 4 total days, after which I'd get my 10 off, and.... someone fucked it up for us. The deal being he'll allow that unless someone fucks him over, and apparently the guys in 3 of the other buildings fucked him over, so he's taking it out on all of us, making us all return to work as normal next Monday. So while the other guys I work with in my building will be enjoying a paid week off, because I volunteered to go first I get no time off other than this Friday.

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