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On 12/31/2019 at 7:57 AM, CountFrylock said:

and it's always for commercials that don't seem to fit being anywhere near toonami....Yup Here's some condom commercials during MHA

or telling you to go out and buy some food from a place that has long since closed since ya know this is An Insomniac's block

....all that aside it really feels like the commercials are the show and the show is just a side-story when things have to be drastically cut down just so you can have a lot more commercial time

all for commercials that just act like we're the standard adult swim viewing audience who will just buy random crap in the middle of the night because we're all on drugs apparently....


I Wouldn't be surprised if adultswim thinks rick and morty fans are the majority of toonami fans and that they can be as weird or strange as they want because hey our acid tripping fans are the same as our anime loving fans

It's bold of Toonami to assume its viewers get laid. :P

Well, unless it's Taco Bell or Whataburger or something, places open all night or really late, doesn't make sense to show those restaurant ads, yeah, heh.

Hey, I don't do drugs, and I thought Aqua Teen was funny.  Though that sort of thing runs its course after a while.  At least Boondocks and Venture Bros. seemed intelligent.  I fucking hate Rick and Morty though.  It's just annoying.  Rick especially is annoying as fuck.  It's way too tryhard trying to be overly clever and thinking it's funny and smart and it's not.

Edited by ben0119
5 hours ago, ben0119 said:

At least Boondocks and Venture Bros. seemed intelligent.

You say that like Venture Bros. isn't actually intelligent. 🙃

I'll give you Boondocks though, if only because of the travesty that was Season 4.

20 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

You say that like Venture Bros. isn't actually intelligent. 🙃

I'll give you Boondocks though, if only because of the travesty that was Season 4.

I was saying they were intelligent.  I guess I didn't see season 4, because I don't remember Boondocks getting bad.  What happened?


McGruder left the show and was replaced by Angela Nissel, who failed to understand in the slightest that the Boondocks is a series about satire and observations about the black community in relation to current events. For season 4, we got a season-long plotline about the Freemans going into such heavy debt they literally had to sell themselves into slavery under Ed Wuncler's son in order to pay it off, interspersed with a bunch of wacky Granddad episodes.

While several thought the series went to shit from season 4's get-go, it was more of a steady decline from my perspective. "Pretty Boy Flizzy" was better than A.V. Club gave it credit for, especially since it was the closest to actual social commentary. "Good Times", which started the "slavery" arc, was a pain to sit through at times. "Breaking Granddad" improved things a little, but "Early Bird Special" brought it back down. "Freedom Ride or Die" was especially disappointing because A) I kept expecting the strong pacifist protester to die during the ride (since he wasn't in the present-day interview bits) but he never did, and B) the show forgot about the interview bits entirely and instead ended on an "in jail" scene with no resolution. "Granddad Dates a Kardashian", I actually found a little underrated despite it being a prime example of Season 4's terribleness. (It also tricked me into thinking there was actually a Brick Kardashian.) "Freedomland" was supposed to be the big episode of the season, but it fell flat in almost every respect. "I Dream of Siri" was just painful, even moreso than "Good Times". My recording for "Stinkmeaner 4: Begun the Clone War Has" crapped out - nothing but black screen - but after hearing how disappointing it was first-hand from my uncle who also watched Boondocks, I decided not to pursue it on my own time. I didn't even bother with "The New Black", though the F rating from A.V. Club and an earlier entry for the episode on TV Tropes' Dethroning Moment of Suck page told me all I needed to know.

On 1/10/2020 at 11:12 PM, ben0119 said:

@Sketch I know that ASA kept longer or full themes for some shows, but definitely not all of them.  I can't remember them all fully myself.  I did record a lot of stuff off Toonami and ASA onto VHS back then, but I don't feel like cracking out the tapes right now.  But I specifically remember that they never played the OPs for InuYasha for the longest time, at least not by the time I was watching it.  They would have the intro or title card and then it would go straight to the show.  One of the bumps was with a viewer talking about Tetsusaiga going from katana to falchion and attack points or something, which is how I found out what kind of sword transformed Tetsusagia was.  I know this for sure, because they didn't show the OPs until years after the fact, I think after nearly most or all of the show had already aired, and they were different tapes, because they had edited Mistress Centipede's boobs!

Either way, Demarco's point about saying they have to cut the OPs and EDs to fit in Toonami packaging is BS, since ASA was doing the same thing, even if not necessarily to the same degree.

Then he's both right and possibly wrong. Right in that they have to be cut for the Toonami package now and possibly wrong that they'd be kept without the Toonami package. Unless AS has actually become more lax on the amount of ad-space they want during shows, even without the Toonami package shows would probably have shortened OPs. More likely Toonami hours are an exception so that they can have packaging without cutting 24-25 minutes shows to 20-21 minutes just to have the Toonami package. DeMarco has described it as sort of a bank of time and a certain amount has to be used for ad-space but it can be balanced across those 5.5 hours rather than strictly adhering to a certain amount of ad-space every half hour or hour.

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That makes sense. One other rule that they broke during the Sand Whale & Me is that they had really wonky start and stop times for shows, which wreaked havoc on DVR recordings. This also happened during The Forge, but somehow it was to a much lesser extent. I think they actually cut a minute off of the commercials during the break which also contained The Forge, but they didn't do that for Sand Whale & Me. They obviously made up that time later in the night.

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