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We're deep in a filler arc.


Might as well make the best of it!


Join the discussion and bitch about it here!


Hey, at least it ain't Sasuke Shippuden!


2 AM Tomorrow night  (2/25/17)


Only Toonami!


"Water whips" don't even make any sense, even by this show's standards.  That rain is cool, though.


Whoever is voicing that masked dude is way better than this filler rando deserves.


Wait, this long hair mask guy sounds awesome, too!  What the hell!


off topic, I drew a whole bunch of

sonic porn today.......which isn't a bad thing cause one of my tumblr friends wanted some sonic foot fetish porn






Okay, well this at least looks like something that would happen in this show.


The fuck?!  Jutsu?  That looks more like a Tailed Beast!  But how?!


If you're not gonna' kill him at least chop off his emo hair.


Okay that one really does look like Haku.  What the hell.


"*groan* That was fun."  Haha Yamato.


since when did anime fans become known for wearing du-rags drinking crunk juice and listening to rap?

*dew rags


I guess it depends on the anime fan. :D


I might do shots of Jose Quervo next weekend



APPOLOGY MV TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fap:


I know I won't like the answer, but WTF is Jose Quervo? I've heard of Jose CUERVO, but not "Quervo"...is that the gay version???


What's this?  A music video?  This one... isn't bad?


I daresay might be Top 5!


Nope, just missed it!


#6 Dang is Invincible

#5 Floridada - Animal Collective

#4 High on Fire

#3 Death Cab for Cutie's

#2 Shelter




David Gilmour "Rattle That Lock!"


*dew rags


I guess it depends on the anime fan. :D

its just most of these music videos seem more at home with the drunk adult swim comedy fanbase than the toonami fanbase what with it's weird and stupid for the sake of being weird and stupid


Oh, it's more than just learning jutsus, trust me, Naruto.


How the hell is this speech in filler?  Naruto's never even said anything like this in the canon... God damn it.


its just most of these music videos seem more at home with the drunk adult swim comedy fanbase than the toonami fanbase what with it's weird and stupid for the sake of being weird and stupid


But this one worked about as well as Shelter.


its just most of these music videos seem more at home with the drunk adult swim comedy fanbase than the toonami fanbase what with it's weird and stupid for the sake of being weird and stupid

This one was a lot more anime-like, though.  The characters, the art style and designs, Japanese animators were even involved.

Yeah, we already figured out she had the Jutsu on her back last episode, show.  I thought it would be tattooed, though.  This looks... implanted?  Then the guy said "engraved"... which doesn't sound right, either.


They're... wait for it... JUST LIKE NARUTO.










Well, that was stupid; on to One Piece's last canon episode for a while, right??


OP has 3 episodes of filler and then we're back at canon for awhile.


OP has 3 episodes of filler and then we're back at canon for awhile.

That's going to feel like an eternity at the pace of one day a week, though. T__T
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