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Don't drink that coffee!!

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You're not gonna believe this.... there was a fish in the percolator!!!


congratulations on being noteworthy enough to justify a biography, few people can boast the same. I certainly can't, though perhaps someday.


I could see how it would make you feel uncomfortable but really this is probably the last place you'd get anything but praise for being a pornstar. Personally I rate you guys more highly than traditional actors, you have to do all of the same work, plus sex work, and get few if any of the same benefits.

Guest The Hound

Very good bio.  It's still a little strange realizing we can post stuff with our actual names and not get in trouble.



bout fucking time


wel it's not my actual name but I'd get banned for porn stuff posting it before


Well, yeah, that's what I meant.  Someone can still look you up outside the boards.  There were quite a few times that I wanted to link to something personal (as in related to me) on the old ASMB sites and checked myself because it get deleted.


We should take advantage of this new luxury and start a directory of personal and incriminating information on our members


Well according to a background check I had run on me I have an unpaid parking ticket, which was news to me as I've never owned a car.


Beyond that and some cringe worthy posts from the mid to late 2000's there isn't much dirt to dig up. Though you can totally find out where I live and crap, that's stupidly easy to find on the internet for virtually anyone.


We live in the post privacy age.


We should take advantage of this new luxury and start a directory of personal and incriminating information on our members

Why I never share anything.
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