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Sending her the most badass of badass messages right now

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"But if you're just gonna be rude and ignore me, then I'll just find someone closer to my area, and you can go F-CK YOURSELF!!! Yeah I said it! This chat was going great, and then you decided to enter betch mode and blow me off. I really don't know what kind of fool you take me for, but I'm hip to your games. He's a lot better huh? So you'd rather respond to his OKC messages huh? Lemme let you in on a little secret, honey. HE AIN'T SHET! I'm more of a man than he'll ever be, and I oughta kick his ass to be honest, but I'm gonna be a nice guy today. :) So, like I said, you have a choice here, and if you ignore me again, I'm blocking you and finding somebody else because you are [insert several insults]."






Might not send this though. Thinking about playing it cool and chilling for a day or two, just don't want her to get pounded by somebody else when I was winning at the beginning. This is such horse sh-t man


Suggestion: don't do it



How do I get her attention? She's punking me right now. I start an amazing convo early this morning and then she blows me off for the past six hours!  >(

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