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Have you ever punched drywall out of anger?


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Your name is Kyle.

You enjoy Monster energy drinks.

You have drank mouthwash to get fucked up.

You have worked at Subway.

You have Doritos in your snack cabinet.

You live with your mom.

You watch every UFC fight.

You Vape.

Edited by Cancer
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4 hours ago, Cancer said:

Your name is Kyle.

No it isn't

You enjoy Monster energy drinks.

No I don't

You have drank mouthwash to get fucked up.

I tired it once but I just threw up

You have worked at Subway.

I've eaten at Subway

You have Doritos in your snack cabinet.

Cool Ranch, baby

You live with your mom.

Only until I was 24

You watch every UFC fight.

Not recently but I enjoy the sport

You Vape.

Never vaped because I smoked like a real man


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5 hours ago, Cancer said:

Yes I have, and for your other claims

Your name is Kyle.

Nah, but I do know a drywall punching kyle

You enjoy Monster energy drinks.

The smell turns my stomach

You have drank mouthwash to get fucked up.

Don't judge me

You have worked at Subway.

I mean....I was skimming off the top....Bought some of the gaudiest jewelry with it.

You have Doritos in your snack cabinet.

I have kids....I don't think I've actually eaten them in about 7 years

You live with your mom.

Not today, Karen

You watch every UFC fight.

I had dreams

You Vape.

Fuck you


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5 hours ago, Cancer said:

It was a brick wall and i had just crushed every bone in my left foot

Your name is Kyle.


You enjoy Monster energy drinks.


You have drank mouthwash to get fucked up.


You have worked at Subway.


You have Doritos in your snack cabinet.


You live with your mom.


You watch every UFC fight.


You Vape.



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