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now this one didn't actually happen to me but I remember hearing about it and being super pissed....I used to work with this Hispanic man who was the CUTEST gay boy I've ever fucking met...well anyways he was working at this store that wasn't very good and he had to sit at the pharmacy counter and just be yelled at from the time he got in to the time he left...well one day some guy got super pissed off his prescription wasn't ready and the guy spit on him....fuckin SPIT ON HIM....and he sat there and had to smile and apologize...had that happened to me I would have immediately jumped over the counter and kicked his fuckin ass...to hell with my job at that point...


I had to tell a guy whose 5 year old son got shot and killed that the claim examiners are asking for a toxicology report. On a 5 year old! So the guy starts going off on me "my son is dead and yall are giving me more trouble than the life insurance people!"


Where in the world do you have life insurance on a 5 year old i dont know. He hung up in my face.


Same week...a 19 year old child was shot and killed. Her parent handled it better tho.


More of a WTF story but this happened not too long ago.


Slow day at work, only a few customers in at the time. This guy comes in, by himself, and just walks by the register and starts helping himself to food. He orders some burgers and fries from the grill and walks over to the seafood hot bar and grabs a single shrimp, eats it and flicks the tail behind the line. A waiter checks on him and refill his drink, sees he doesn't have one and tells management he doesn't have a drink nor ticket. Instead of kicking him out, he is told to pay and he begrudgingly complies. 


Then he starts acting really weird and is disturbing the customers and waiters so we call security in. (I missed this particular part of the incident.) First guard says the guy is on something, so then the K9 unit is called in. Now the first guard, K9 officer, and this weird dude are trying to talk it out. Evidently this was the perfect opportunity for our hero to pull out some little cards from his wallet, claim that he is with ISIS and is currently recruiting. He was promptly thrown out.


When I was working at Walmart eight years ago, there was this girl who I liked who was a HS senior, and I was only two years older than her, and she used to share food with me and give me random hugs, and she was pretty damn cute, but anyway I asked her out, and she said very uncomfortably, "I don't really know you that well", and I said, "Well that's the point of going out", and then she just repeated that she didn't know me well, but her eyes started to get teary, and I asked her for her number, which she readily gave me. Anyway, on my drive back home, I was feeling extremely dejected, worst feeling ever. I just felt totally deflated and defeated, and then I just got really mad and sent her a really long text calling her out, and the next time she saw me at work, she just looked at the ground and ignored me. I quit like a week later anyway.


Got a work order for a water stain on the living room ceiling of an older lady's apartment. I knew there was absolutely no plumbing there, and the ceiling of her place was concrete slabs separating her place from the apartment above. I ring the doorbell for the apartment upstairs, no answer so I go in and of course yell, "Maintenance!". No answer.  I did notice that there was about a week's worth of mail on the floor (The doors had mailbox slots). So I go in and walk up the stairs and as soon as I was eye level with the floor, the heat wave and stench hit me. I continued on up and sure enough, the resident was dead in his chair, his apartment was about 80 degrees so he was partially bloated, and his blood was seeping down between the concrete slabs of his floor... hand hanging above the dropped gun.


The worst work story I can think of didn't happen to me. Back in the 80s a certain set of sky scrapers were being built in A city near me. One day while the workers were installing windows one mans safety line became tangled in a pulley a few stories above him. He was immediately flung into the air before the line snapped and he plummeted to his death. Because of this accident it opened up a spot for my dad to work on said building Luckily nothing happened to him.

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