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Well, it's official - Vegeta is a better father than Goku.

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In the latest Japanese DB Super episode, Bulma is pregnant with Bra and Vegeta declines going to train with Goku and Whis because he feels he needs to be there with Bulma, which Goku apparently doesn't understand and even states that "he was dead when Goten was born lol"


Lmao Goku.


Except in this franchise "dead" means "okay guys see you next week!"

Or in the case of One Piece no one dies outright or it gets retconned a hundred episodes later.  Seriously that thing with the falcon dude in Alabasta was like something 4kids would pull.  But it was actual canon! >:D


Buster Call killed no one.  Kuma killed no one.  Clearly we should fear The World Government when they can't even kill annoying red shirts like the Franky Family and the Uggo Pirates.


Except in this franchise "dead" means "okay guys see you next week!"


That's gotta lead to some strange arguments.


"Honey, I literally DID NOT have a body for a few years!  There's only so much I can do when I'm a ghost!  That's how you end up with the kid from the Sixth Sense."


"Oh don't bring the Sixth Sense into this again!"


Or in the case of One Piece no one dies outright or it gets retconned a hundred episodes later.  Seriously that thing with the falcon dude in Alabasta was like something 4kids would pull.  But it was actual canon! >:D


Buster Call killed no one.  Kuma killed no one.  Clearly we should fear The World Government when they can't even kill annoying red shirts like the Franky Family and the Uggo Pirates.


Fairy Tail also sucks at killing people.


It's a shonen thing.


At the very least, the few deaths that OP does have all hit the emotional cues pretty strong. Which is more than I can say for any death in Dragonball.


Plus Merry man... Merry was a boat and Oda still made grown men cry when it "died" . Lmao.


Buster Call killed no one.  Kuma killed no one.  Clearly we should fear The World Government when they can't even kill annoying red shirts like the Franky Family and the Uggo Pirates.



Two words: Marineford Arc.



Don't worry, I'm sure he'll find some reason to hate that when the time comes.  It's Ben's shtick.


I mean, shit, even people who don't normally like One Piece like the Marineford arc, so that'd be truly something...


Honestly it is something of a running gag that "nobody dies in One Piece except in flashbacks" (right up until it isn't anyway), and yeah there are a few cases like Pell's where by all reason someone really should have snuffed it, but it's easy enough to laugh off.  The thing with DBZ is that there is A LITERAL DEUS EX MACHINA RIGHT IN THE NAME OF THE FRANCHISE.  And that's not really a problem at all in the early days of Goku freaking out over Bulma's missing balls, because everything's kind of goofy and nothing's being taken seriously.  But when you get to DBZ and there are these all-powerful villains and threats of massive destruction and apocalyptic stakes, any sense of dramatic tension gets sucked right out of the room as soon as you realize that any bad things that happened will get undone in the blink of an eye anyway.  Hell, even Goku's "final death" at Cell's hands is a total joke when you see him immediately afterwards chilling all happy in the afterlife, and he's seemingly able to talk with anyone he wants at any time anyway.  It makes me wish that Toriyama had stuck with the happy-go-lucky earlier tone of the series, because the alternative just doesn't hold up.


Don't worry, I'm sure he'll find some reason to hate that when the time comes.  It's Ben's shtick.

Already know those spoilers.  And I don't hate those other arcs.  But I have my constructive criticism.  Still wish those fucking Chefs died.  God I hated them.

Honestly it is something of a running gag that "nobody dies in One Piece except in flashbacks" (right up until it isn't anyway), and yeah there are a few cases like Pell's where by all reason someone really should have snuffed it, but it's easy enough to laugh off.  The thing with DBZ is that there is A LITERAL DEUS EX MACHINA RIGHT IN THE NAME OF THE FRANCHISE.  And that's not really a problem at all in the early days of Goku freaking out over Bulma's missing balls, because everything's kind of goofy and nothing's being taken seriously.  But when you get to DBZ and there are these all-powerful villains and threats of massive destruction and apocalyptic stakes, any sense of dramatic tension gets sucked right out of the room as soon as you realize that any bad things that happened will get undone in the blink of an eye anyway.  Hell, even Goku's "final death" at Cell's hands is a total joke when you see him immediately afterwards chilling all happy in the afterlife, and he's seemingly able to talk with anyone he wants at any time anyway.  It makes me wish that Toriyama had stuck with the happy-go-lucky earlier tone of the series, because the alternative just doesn't hold up.

And good guys outright won't die period in other shows, and we know this.  What tension is there when we know none of the Straw Hats won't make it to the One Piece?  Only thing I can conceive of is Luffy dies towards the end and his crew achieves his dream "For Luffy."  But would Oda have the balls do something like that?  It definitely seems fitting for One Piece, which loves to make blubbering babies of even the most stoic tough guys that watch it. 


There's been times where the Dragonballs were disabled or destroyed, limited in doing certain things, and we didn't know that would be gotten around later on.  Really, there's plenty of tension, and certain characters have stayed dead.  16 can't come back because he was "just a machine." :(


Toriyama also told Oda not to kill characters, because it limits you.  You better make sure you have no more story to tell with that character as they're alive, and their death has a lot of impact and influences the story going forward, like Hughes, for example.


Well, yeah, having deaths simply for having deaths is a bad thing too.


Like with Attack on Titan... half the deaths that happen in that show doesn't really affect much.


And now we know Eren will probably never die thanks to his regenerative titan cells.


Well, yeah, having deaths simply for having deaths is a bad thing too.


Like with Attack on Titan... half the deaths that happen in that show doesn't really affect much.


And now we know Eren will probably never die thanks to his regenerative titan cells.

That and the AoT characters that are going to die are obviously marked for death nothing characters and the clearly important characters obviously aren't going to die.


Some of the deaths at the end of FMA B were excessive and forced, too. 



Still don't like Ed and Al apparently gave no fucks their dad died.


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