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do people actually sit through all of them at once?

i leave them on as background noise, or when i work out, but even then i'd rather just listen to music.

can't listen to them at work either, but it help make the long ride to and from easy and comfy.


Not really, any that I ever tried to I'd get bored after a few eps.

the first ones i got into were wrestling podcasts, but that got boring too

only one i listen to semi-regularly is joe rogan's cause he records them too, so my add has video and audio distractions


I listen to the Revenge of the World podcast. It usually features two of my friends, one of which is a real-life friend I've known since junior high (or middle school for you damn yankees) where they talk about stuff going on, mostly in their lives. They're pretty funny. The "show", as they call it, is based out of Pasadena, Texas.



Here's their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/revengeoftheworld/



Also, here's their website: http://www.revengeoftheworld.com/


When I'm working on stuff, yes.


Regularly listen to Bill Burr and Marc Maron's Podcast. I may listen to Toonami Faithful / Show Rundown / ANNcast / or something like that once in a blue moon.


In terms of music / radio programming, I religiously tune in to FUV Friday nights for The Alternate Side (damn shame it's only Fridays they do that now as the whole station used to be The Alternate Side).



Then of course there's my program I have to sit through because I'm hosting:





Got a new one tomorrow live at 10pm EST featuring an interview with these guys.

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