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Something about the new Season of SAO I feel is worthy of note


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On 10/17/2018 at 11:50 AM, naraku360 said:

Building computers isn't the same league as creating a robot that can operate like a human and support an advanced AI, Ben. That's not how computers work.

Even for technological geniuses, a single "class" isn't going to somehow make it possible to immediately build a fucking android. We don't have technology like that because it's extraordinarily complicated and haven't figured it out yet.

That's physically impossible and alsp stupid. The longest anyone has ever lasted on no sleep has been was under a week. There are 2 people known for experimenting on this. One suffered extreme hallucinations with 3 days and completely gave up within 5, and his personality dramatically changed for the rest of his life. The other died from sleep deprivation.

The fact you have to play 24/7 to be better than Kirito is EXACTLY the kind of problem we're talking about. You HAVE to do ridiculous, impossible bullshit to beat him.

Kirito isn't good at video games. He's bad at them but everyone around him is markedly worse. He's not a smart character, he's just given plot convenience to justify a ton of bullshit. Hacking is a believable quality; hacking into a game to prevent the deletion of a complicated AI is in real time, literally taking seconds, is bullshit on its own but not having even considered doing this from the start and allowing hundreds of people to die in the process is downright stupid. For that matter, if he can do that why didn't he end it there by turning on the logout button?

It really isn't about whether or not Kirito is competent. It's about whether or not he's supposed to be, and if he succeeds. He's supposed to be a genius, but his actions consistently are fucking retarded.

Wow are you autistic too with how you read my post?  Seriously what the fuck.

What the flying horse fuck are you talking about?  He made a visual interface, a CAMERA, for Yui.  Yui was created by Kayaba for SAO.

Just a lifetime of experience with tech as well as that class, and again, he made a mobile camera for Yui to look through.  Whoopty-fuckin-doo.

It's not literally 24/7, jesus christ.  She was bedridden, so she spent a lot of time in the game worlds.  That makes sense why she would be good, yes?  You expect someone who does something a lot to be good at it?

So are you going off reading my statement extremely literally and not what I obviously actually meant or what was depicted in the show... 

You obviously don't know anything about videogames if you think that.  Maybe it's not possible with how the game is designed.  There could be failsafes in place like the user gets their brain fried if they tamper with that level of the game infrastructure.  Also you had to have access to that special input console.  You couldn't just open a menu on your account and hack into the game.

You either don't pay attention or don't understand what's going on in the show.

Edited by ben0119
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On 10/21/2018 at 1:57 AM, ben0119 said:

Wow are you autistic too with how you read my post?  Seriously what the fuck.

What the flying horse fuck are you talking about?  He made a visual interface, a CAMERA, for Yui.  Yui was created by Kayaba for SAO.

Just a lifetime of experience with tech as well as that class, and again, he made a mobile camera for Yui to look through.  Whoopty-fuckin-doo.

It's not literally 24/7, jesus christ.  She was bedridden, so she spent a lot of time in the game worlds.  That makes sense why she would be good, yes?  You expect someone who does something a lot to be good at it?

So are you going off reading my statement extremely literally and not what I obviously actually meant or what was depicted in the show... 

You obviously don't know anything about videogames if you think that.  Maybe it's not possible with how the game is designed.  There could be failsafes in place like the user gets their brain fried if they tamper with that level of the game infrastructure.  Also you had to have access to that special input console.  You couldn't just open a menu on your account and hack into the game.

You either don't pay attention or don't understand what's going on in the show.

I literally haven't watched that part of the show because it sounds dumb as fuck no matter how you describe it.

No, it's still not how technology works. If the AI didn't have video capacities in the first place, haphazardly adding a camera won't do shit. It has to be programmed with that capability.

I honestly don't doubt SAO would pull some ludicrous shit like a literal 24/7 player. It's plenty dumb enough to do so.

Dude, every video game console gets hacked within days of release. It doesn't get hacked in 30 seconds, but if it's hackable in 30 seconds FINDING THE FAILSAFE shouldn't be that hard, assuming there even is one. That's hundreds of thousands, probably millions of lines of code and Kirito alted the correct one in a matter of fucking seconds. The mere concept of SAO not getting broken imto, in or out of the game, in over 2 years is utterly retarded.

The issue was explicitly not with the game itself, by the way. It was the VR headset and the dude just exploited that by removing the log out.

And frankly, a device that can fry people's brains for taking it off incorrectly would never be released on the market.

It really doesn't matter how the game is designed, either. HE HACKED INTO THE GAME AND COULD ALTER THE CODING. He could change anything. Failsafes, whatever, he hacked the game in a matter of seconds, he can alter whatever he wanted. He didn't because it wouldn't end the arc in a big bullshit fight to make Kirito look cool rather making even a little sense.

And, good fucking god it just keeps going, having to use a terminal in-game isn't how hacking works.

None of this is how any of anything works.

Edited by naraku360
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