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Well, after the latest ratings related panic attack, it's time to once again ask about the digital end of getting Toonami shows.  It's been said over and over that On Demand is and continues to be what pushes somewhat niche content forward.  Look no further than Netflix investing significantly in its anime offerings, Hulu acquiring streaming rights where available, and Crunchyroll reporting record profits (while laying off staff, because capitalism.). In contrast, AS/Toonami's offerings are woefully underfunded and out of date.  Let's count the issues:


1.  Limited selection.  This could be a matter of rights, but nothing is more frustrating than wanting to start watching a show, only to realize that the show cycles on at Episode 10.  Off to Netflix!


2.  Lack of support.  In an age where every video app wants to be on your console and multimedia device, Adult Swim's app is still limited to Android, iOS, and PC.  If you want to watch anime on demand on your TV, you would not be using Adult Swim's app.


3.  No saving your spot.  Just about every single app saves your spot.  Adult Swim?  Fuck you, write down the time stamp.


In an age where On Demand offerings eat Toonami's lunch, they need to offer robust On Demand options to answer in kind.  They do not.


I do think it's weird that the Toonami app doesn't play Toonami videos, which could potentially double the bandwidth or something.


But the Toonami Marathon Stream is better than nothing, so I don't criticize it that much. During the weekend, it's relatively useful for catching all the shows you might have missed 4 weeks ago on TV, and on weekdays it's probably best used if you already know which episodes are on and can catch little details of them you might have missed when they aired on TV.


But I do wish they would specify which episodes are streaming somehow with the app selection menu.


Don't blame it on technology. Toonami's flopping because Gundam Unicorn is its only good series.


Wait, what? Didn't you used to crap on the Gundam show incessantly while defending all the others, yet most of them didn't change and now it's the opposite? That's...largely unscientific!


The app definitely could use improvements. It's pretty easy to crash it on iOS, Android and the browser.


The apps should save your spot, especially given how easy it is to crash the app.


Lacking a console app and a Roku app is something they really ought to do.


The rights to stream every episode of the likes of AoT, One-Punch and KLK wouldn't come cheap. They probably currently have somewhat limited licenses which do not allow them to stream even all 12 episodes of Dimension W at a time. I figure in order to get reasonable deals to be able to stream shows. It's likely a lot less than what Netflix and Hulu end up paying. Maybe something can change on that front but as long as Toonami airs shows that are licensed by 3rd party companies that don't want to put all their eggs in the same basket, they'll probably continue to have limitations with regards to streaming.


Most of all, I want to be able to use a cable login to watch Adult Swim's east feed on my TV and if they were to offer a subscription for a robust AS streaming experience without need of cable, I would be very interested in that.


I get the selection is a rights thing and that is beyond their power.  That is annoying but understandable.  I'm not sure how the tights to their West Coast steam goes, but you would figure that is within their own power to show.


Everything else at this point is industry standard (app features, being available with your PS4 and Xbone as they become the centerpiece of the living room).  It makes the fact that they don't offer people the option all the more grating.

  • 3 weeks later...

Limited time watching bites anyone willing to use the app in the ass yet again.


Decided to watch episode 2 of Unicorn - LOLNOPE.  Gone.  1, then 4.  You want 2?  YouTube has it subbed and Crunchyroll has it dubbed.  And when you find them there, why bother with Toonami's glacial pacing?


Once again AS app:



I was looking to reinstall the app on my phone yesterday after getting some free space, and I couldn't even find it through the search. I had to go back into my personal list of apps and redownload it there.


That ain't a good sign.

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