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10,000 posts? Fuck that! Let's get this puppy to 100,000!

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Posted (edited)

I just don't have it in me anymore. I might average fifteen posts a day on here.

I don't think I ever made it past 100k on ASMB. I came close. I think I was at something like 97,000 before the boards were kill. I cracked that amount with my alts, but who gives a shit about alts?

Edited by empty
19 hours ago, empty said:

I just don't have it in me anymore. I might average fifteen posts a day on here.

I don't think I ever made it past 100k on ASMB. I came close. I think I was at something like 97,000 before the boards were kill. I cracked that amount with my alts, but who gives a shit about alts?

True dat. I just want to see how far we can get this thing.

9 minutes ago, inhumanrampager said:

Nah, you fucked up. Piss is 2nd. Fuck is 3rd Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cock Sucker, Mother Fucker, Tits. Then Fart, Turd, and Twat.


Just now, inhumanrampager said:

Nah, George Carlin

I was actually alluding to a Newgrounds animated series called "Retarded Animal Babies", particularly the episode entitled "Show and Hell" wherei one character says 'shit', then another character says 'fuck' and then a third character says 'potaterz?'

4 minutes ago, schmahxgn said:

I was actually alluding to a Newgrounds animated series called "Retarded Animal Babies", particularly the episode entitled "Show and Hell" wherei one character says 'shit', then another character says 'fuck' and then a third character says 'potaterz?'

Oh ok. TIL.



7 minutes ago, inhumanrampager said:

I'd rather cut my own promos.

Nobody is allowed to go tgst anymore except the people who suck anyways 

Like Cena. Maybe Jericho. Who else though. Everyone else is like, "this Sunday at FUCKMAGEDDON that belt is mine" and that's it. Nothing original. 

Just now, inhumanrampager said:

Are we going to compare and contrast porn and wrestling?

wrestling is softcore porn

ufc/mma is hardcore porn

they actually fight

we actually fuck

Just now, Nabloom said:


Nobody is allowed to go tgst anymore except the people who suck anyways 

Like Cena. Maybe Jericho. Who else though. Everyone else is like, "this Sunday at FUCKMAGEDDON that belt is mine" and that's it. Nothing original. 

They do on the independents. Also, I'm totally going on the Jericho Cruise.

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