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here, try this.

discolé monade

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Some people r better ar adulting than others

Convo i had today:

Customer: the sent me back the forms. I dont know why. Im trying to change the beneficiary 

(Read letter cuz no one fucking reads these days. Looks at form)

Me: ma'am..instead of signing with the date you put your birthday (old people do this A LOT on forms)

(Lady looks at her copy and sees it)

Cst: can't ya just change the date?

Me: No ma'am. We are not going to forge your documents 


Then she made me agree to her just resending the last page/signature. God forbid she has to get her shit together enough to fill out two sections again.

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14 minutes ago, discolemonade said:

oh..for sure. 

this, is what it's rancid cousin, would taste like. 

but would probably fetch a fair price at the ole grey~bar hotel.  

That kind of reminds me of the time that I tried some shaoxing (chinese rice wine) after bringing it home from a trip.  I was totally expecting the smooth filtered taste I'm used to with sake, and, instead, I got what tasted like diesel fuel.

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3 hours ago, discolemonade said:

no..why? *sniffs* smells bad

~~said it tasted like soda (it's apple juice mix)

*tastes* *spits back into cup* NO, no, this does not taste like soda. it taste like this is apple wine shit that went horribly wrong. 


reason 876876 why adulting sucks. 

Could of been apple vinegar

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