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Dead or Alive 6 to Reduce Sexiness


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Why in the hell would you do this?  Take away part of the game's draw and what made it unique.  Well, aside from being an easier to play, more accessible 3D fighter than Tekken.  Always been a DOA guy and not a Tekken guy.  

The director said they made the boobs smaller to make the women "appear more human."  That's discriminatory against busty women!  Hell, maybe girls liked playing as these characters and found them empowering!  They're pretty and can kick ass!  

No one complains about the guys fighting with no shirts or in speedos.  And what the fuck is so wrong with having sexy characters anyway?!  Also, it better not be NO boob jiggle whatsoever.  The old effect was exaggerated, yes, but real boobs do jiggle, and most certainly would in a fight!

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It'd be cool to see Dead or Alive hit mainstream tourneys and it'd be nice to see what they'd work with if it was like DOA2, but I feel like stripping away almost all the fanservice defeats the purpose. It's like when they remade Tomb Raider and scaled down her boobs to pat themselves on the back only to beef up the ryona torture porn. 

Dead or Alive is much like Mortal Kombat in that the combat is simple, but it's gimmick is what keeps it entertaining and appealing. Not to say that they just need to remake DOA5 with newer graphics (especially since it's latter years have involved pumping out expensive costume DLC that it'd take a fortune to collect), but it does feel like a tryhard move for them to put the girls in catsuits and scale down the bust sizes because it distracts people who would otherwise never touch a DOA game to begin with. There are many reasons MK vs. DC never worked.

Tekken, Soul Caliber, and even Street Fighter have provocative outfits, but still manage to be legitimate for eSports. All DOA needed was that same edge in their combat scheme while still retaining the fanservicey elements that drew their original fanbase in. It could've been done easily without having the ladies join a Quaker colony or stuffing the promo material with the "please take us seriously because their boobs are covered and smaller". I'm a huge fan of Tekken, but Itagaki would be livid if he were to find that DOA was becoming an even less sexier version of Tekken. 

Offering fanservice with male characters as well would've worked too to keep everything equal as they rehaul the combat system, but going in with the work ethic completely stripping away fanservice in the base game is a really desperate attempt to get on the Evo stage when it takes more than just rehauling character designs to make a game that people will play in front of an audience. There are tons of anime fighters that people play in hotel rooms or hallways, but no one in Arc Systems or French Bread was ever like "hey, we should replace all of the characters with U.S. Marines and Catholic nuns to get broadcasted on Youtube". FighterZ might not have fanservice, but a high-budget Guilty Gear with Goku was always going to do good. With DoA, however, it takes more than positive PR from Kotaku on the game's aesthetics to be able to rub shoulders with other 3D fighters at Evo.

Edited by imchapp.in
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No matter how hard DOA tries to legitimize itself, everyone in the fighting game community will laugh at it and laugh at the players who take it seriously. Numbers don't lie either, official streams bring in less than 5000k total viewers. 

Everyone wanted Tecmo to make Ninja Gaiden 4, but instead we see them attempt to milk a dead fighting game.

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