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Guess this is what I get for not paying attention.  Which, I usually DON'T pay attention to stuff right as it is coming out of Japan, and won't usually watch subs in general unless it's for something I've already watched previous episodes/iterations dubbed.  As for SAO, though, I was about to watch it subbed when Toonami got it, due to recommendation from a friend and my own genuine interest, and haven't been able to wait for the dub for the rest, though of course I end up watching that too.  If only I had known this was on! D:

It was 6 eps in by the time I realized the show was on, and 8 by the time I started watching a few days ago, 9, as of now.  Probably not much purpose in making a thread at this point, but what the hell.  At least my thoughts will be recorded for posterity, along with any guesses or predictions I've made.  I'll put my episode comments in my next post, under spoiler tags, for organizational, readability, and aesthetic purposes.  But this is intended to be an open spoilers thread, naturally.  Anyone else is free to join in, of course.

More than 2 videos are being watched on Hulu-FFFFFFFFFFF

Ended up having to download Crunchyroll app for PS3 and used the free version.

I have to commend Demarco for placing an ad for FLCL Progressive on Crunchyroll.

Ok, the Crunchyroll PS3 app is a pile of shit.  No way in hell would I ever get the paid version.  It crashed during ads multiple times, went to a black screen and nothing responded, I had to reset the system.  Could do without the same Sherwin Williams ad playing 3 times in a row, or random Spanish AT&T commercials.  Then there was some messed up ad that played annoying, loud piano music, with no video.  The player is also ass.  Thankfully, I was able to at least watch 7, 8, and 9 on Hulu.

Posted (edited)

Unless I am mistaken, it looks like you aren't able to have multiple sets of spoilered text.  As soon as I made one, it turned the whole post into spoilers, even though I had an spoilers end bracket.  When I tried to make a second, it just made as spoiler box inside of the big spoiler box... Alternating the colors of text as default and PINK DEVIL :D is all I could come up with to make it flow better, since I didn't want to make separate posts for each episode. *sigh*

Ep 1 -

P-chan, really?

She entered in the battle royale because she couldn't get tickets to a concert?  Suuurrrree.

GGO better hope they don't get sued by PUBG though LOL.

Pretty cool how real life skills can transfer to the game.

Is it really such a good place for the military to get experience, fighting against noobs like those machine gunners?

M is a great strategist!

LLENN has some kind of super-speed ability?

Whoa she's as fast as her gun!  That was awesome!  The pros quit because things just got unrealistic, heh.

And that's the player behind the avatar! :D

Ep 2 -

I know this is a spin-off, but they really need to vary up the character designs.  Kirito, Shino, and Karen all look too alike, and Elsa Kanzaki looks like a grown up Yui.

Why don't her parents want her to get a job?

ROFL a bunch of moeblobs walk by and she's jealous.

The character is random?  Shouldn't you be able to create your own character?  I know for a fact that you could in SAO, because Bulk and Skull made girl characters and they got revealed by the mirrors hahaha.  ALO avatars were deliberate too, looking like the person, etc.  And Sinon slightly resembles her real self.  So yeah, that's weird.

LOL this tutorial.

So she blended in with the pink desert? :D

Pitohui looks like a Gainax/Trigger character.

Doesn't want to play with sleazy guys LOL.

Thought that tattoo would mean she's a guy in real life, as a trick to stop guys hitting on her hahaha.  But if she's saying just a mere face tattoo would supposedly stop them, not so sure about that. :D

Sorry but naming guns is just weird.  And why P-chan?  Because of Pitohui?  The name of the model of that gun starts with P?  Because pink?

Weird they have known each other for so long in-game and so little real life stuff has come up.

Odd to make that deal instead of just meeting up?  Especially since LLENN was more worried about revealing herself?

Calling it now.  Something horrible is going to happen to Pitohui, or she has some disease or disability or something.

Ep 3 -

A gun nut novelist?  Hmm.

It's too bad Pitohui couldn't compete in the Squad Jam.  Also why not just show this all in chronological order?  Maybe there's a method the madness.

Or they could be friends, LLENN.

Seems kind of silly she is scared of this big guy given she is tall in real life.

Hahaha putting her through her paces.

M?  Is that yours?  It's big. :D

Is Pitohui Elsa Kanzaki?  Naaah.


M is one sick puppy! :D

Ep 4 -


Chicken?  That's smart strategy!  And I seem to recall that spaceship hull coming into play in SAO II.

So M has real shooting experience, which is how he was able to pull that off.  Pretty badass!

Ok who is this team of weirdos?


Hmmm but LLENN was able to counter.  And now he's crying and begging for mercy?!  Her reaction LOL!

Ep 5 -

This isn't Sword Art Online.  LOL.

Yeah I don't think that was meant to be taken literally and I highly doubt Pitohui is that much of a psychopath.

So after M's meltdown it'd all up to LLENN.

How can she even tell that's a girl?

The gun is... talking to her?!  I thought she was hearing the voice of the tutorial NPC or Pitohui before now.

Lots of em have some manly characters bleh.

M is back in it?  Well he's pretty safe from there LOL.

Words can't do justice, this battle is just amazing.

Remembering the knife lessons, heh.

Woo she won!

They're sophomore high school students, but short for that, even still.

Karen got over her complex already, just like that?  Short girls want to be taller and tall girls want to be shorter, of course.

LOL OF COURSE that team was the moeblobs! :D

Edited by ben0119
Posted (edited)

Ep 6 -

Now that earlier snippet of this scene makes much more sense.  They weren't just random girls watching the battle after all.

Is it really normal for a college student to hang out with high school kids?  I mean I know they met in the game and all, but still...

LOL they are more focused on GGO than their gymnastics now.

Zekken beat her friend. :)

This guy is totally nuts, not just Pitohui.  He is willing to kill himself for her or let her kill him, and let her kill herself.

You know Karen YOU could go to the cops.  Though it's possible they off themselves or decide to out in a blaze of glory if that happens, so who knows.

A kabedon LOL.  And not even for her. :D

She will join with that team?  No, her veteran VRMMO player friend.

Should have known better than to think we'd get through an SAO series with no fan service. :D

Or "bigger than the game" stakes, for that matter. :P

Ep 7 -

Again with the random character generator?  The only time I remember this happening was with Kirito when he joined GGO, and even then, the character still resembled him somewhat.  It seems like it only happened with Karen so they could do a few jokes of her not liking her characters?  Should have just had her and Fuka make their characters.  It's not a big deal, but it still bugs me.

And here is some other weirdo begging to buy her character just like with Kirito LOL.

See how many people I can get to hit on me.  I can see a reverse harem situation LOL.

Guess girls don't like shooters as much, because there's a lot of girls, more than guys, I think, playing the usual fantasy MMOs, at least in real life.  Did seem like there were more girls in SAO and ALO too.

Her friend is weird, and says a lot of English words.

Truly logical how you came up with that username, Fuka...

That is an insane amount of money.

Talk about making a hasty decision just buying those grenade launchers just like that!  And yes it is limiting!

Not only do I not need to hear about her getting sick from eating a bunch of ice cream, but that shatters my suspension of disbelief!  Women don't do that!

So Pitohui has always been nuts.  She's even worse than I thought!  And is that a real bird?  But, indeed, she's not just a cunning, mysterious woman, with an evil grin to match, kinda like Yoruichi, she IS straight up evil!  Or at least mentally disturbed.  And if she's Elsa Kanzaki, I'm betting making her big break as a musician is what cost her playing SAO.  That concert was the same day as her "childhood best friend's wedding," too.

I bet Memento Mori are played by a bunch of shotas/moe boys! :D

Not just M, but she's rounded up 4 other hapless fools to her team?!  I hope they aren't under threat of death too!

"She's a woman too, I can smell it."

"I see, so you're a pervert, huh?"


Not remembering or pretending like she doesn't remember their promise.  Not good.

Yeah Pitohui will live if she wins, but even with as good as she is  it's more likely she loses, especially given all the other strong teams in the game.  LLENN and Fuka beating her is a "safer" bet?  Maybe?  Besides if Pito does win she can always put her and M into more death scenarios.  At least if Karen can meet her IRL maybe she can bring her to her senses.

"I'm going to kill you!  Then I'll save you!" :D

Edited by ben0119

Ep 8 -

Who goes into a game saying they're going to KILL?

Lol that deep serious voice from Fuka.

Fuka, you noob!  Ran right into the trip wire!

Ouch, no legs!  You would think they would take longer to regenerate than 2 minutes.  But then again, your HP doesn't regenerate. 

Man, the way she kicked off the building and the tree to take out that guy was awesome!

Knife to the balls! D:

Someone either wrecked the train or it was already like that when the field generated.

That's a CHEAP-ASS strategy, Fuka!  But, it's just like something someone would totally do in a game! :D

So was that All-Japan Machine Gunners taking someone out, or them being taken out?

Lmao you talk like that in-game it will slip out in the real world.  Wow, such a elegant way to say it that time rofl!

So other people are firing without the targeting circle too?

Why do they keep emphasizing the girl with the green hair?

All those teams ganging up on Pitohui and M's team might have the right idea.  But will it make a difference if they're all noobs?

Taking them out as soon as you agree to join up?  Not sure that's a good idea even if "this is a battle royale," as you say.

Pitohui has lost it, or is continuing to!  Cackling like a madwoman!

Ep 9 -

Staying on the mountain is a good idea.  After all, THEY'VE GOT THE HIGH GROUND!

So someone is actually in the water fall?  I would've thought that would be be a decoy.

Now we finally get to see Pitohui let loose.

Annnnnd she's a freakin monster!  I don't like LLENN's chances! D:

Is it possible to shoot people in half and decapitate them like that?  I would think if someone got shot in the head with a powerful enough round, it would just explode, not go flying.  Unless she shot him in the neck?

So the dome was a bio-dome, heh.

Conserving ammo and sneaking through is a good idea, but we all know it wasn't going to work! :)

"I was saving this move for Pito!  But to use it here, like this..." Shonen vibes, heh. :)

Pink smoke cloud!  The Pink Devil! :D

Gotta say, watching these dudebros get destroyed by this little cutesy character is quite amusing and satisfying! :D

Wtf!  Of course we can't get through SAO with a depraved pervert!  Fuka beat the hell out of him with a gun lmao.

Another pervert?!  What the hell was the point of that weirdo pervo woman?  Took up way too much time.  I wouldn't be surprised if that was filler!  Oh, and she looked like Karen, too.


Like I said in the OP, I don't pay much attention to JP releases so I missed that this was out until was on for 6 weeks.

And yeah I'm quite certain it will end up on Toonami. :)


Episode 10 dropped today. Assorted thoughts:

  • I'm not entirely sure how SHINC got involved with LLENN and Fuka warding off MMTM. That's something I definitely feel they cut from the LN for the adaptation.
  • I like that we finally got to know green-haired sniper girl's deal. Never trust a pitohui bird, and if you're smart enough not to, take vengeance against it for those who did.
  • It's been years since SAO and Pito's actually using a Nerve Gear for GGO. And here we thought Kirito was crazy for using his for ALO... By the way, side not: my headcanon is that the microwave device in Kirito's Nerve Gear that was meant to fry his brain if he died/logged out was faulty, explaining how he was able to survive the game after getting killed by Kayaba himself.
  • Speaking of which, I think I'm gonna call Pito "Darth Kirito" now. That photon sword she had was hella Sith.
  • Like 1

Ep 10 -

NOOOOO the Machine Gun Lovers are down!  They deserved more screen time! :D

At first I thought SHINC were nuts for trying to attack LM4 after they heard what LLENN said.  But it turns out they are working together!

What is an anti-material rifle?

Anti-tank rifle, I know what that is.  They got the info from Sinon, heh.  They destroyed M's shield!

I am surprised the dead bodies being immortal objects hasn't been patched out of the game.

Why the hell would you try to make a deal with Pitohui?  Agree to lose?  Really?  And did you think she would honor her word?

The green hair girl is going to throw a wrench into things.  Of course, she almost killed Pitohui!

LLENN got to her, but in time?

Speaking of things an SAO show will never be without, characters with mental health issues.  M and Pitohui are definitely among them.  And LLENN with her height complex and self-confidence issues is nothing compared to them.

Pitohui gone completely crazy!  She WANTS to die?

Now Memento Mori are going to jump in, OF COURSE.

Pitohui has a NerveGear?  They were supposed to be recalled and destroyed, but Kirito and her managed to hold on to theirs.  Not good!

Wait so what was with that plasma grenade?  Looks like a thermal detonator, haha.  Did M use it to wake up Pitohui?  Shouldn't there be damage?  Or does it just shock/stun you?  Or he threw it out the window and that's why the guys thought they heard it outside?

Hahaha it's like the Vader hallway scene from Rogue One.  Pitohui just running through those fools! :D And of course she has a red photon sword! :D



I think they were in the dome?  Not sure.  Could maybe re-watch the last episode.  Lots of chaos there and wasn't obvious who all was fighting in there.  I didn't think too much about it, but I thought MMTM were one of the teams in the dome, but took off before SHINC could get to them.

I believe Kayaba spared Kirito and Asuna as part of the reward for beating the game.

Yeah that part was awesome! :D


Ep 11 -

Wow, that's scary.  And this photon sword... I thought it would be like Darth Maul's lightsaber, but it looks like you can only have the same combined length through either side of the sword, and she changed it to come out the other end.  Still pretty cool.  That was brutal!

What is with this senseless bum-rushing?  They thought it would wake up psycho LLENN?  But wouldn't they have been better off coming up with a plan and teaming up on Pitohui?  It's not like they would risk leaving the cabin.  Seems like a waste of their team members.

Why didn't she think to just cut off the shoe lace a lot sooner?

Not sure why LLENN has started doubting herself again.  Guess it's one thing to tell herself she'd beat Pitohui but then to actually confront her after she shows off how monstrous she is, is another thing.

But you already got killed by that LLENN, Boss.

Some great tactics by LLENN here to get M and Pitohui to leave the cabin, and then against the hummer.

At least Fuka is still in the fight.

Ok Pito should have been shot or killed several times now.  She's got about as much luck as LLENN!

That was badass.  Ok, now LLENN has made it to Pito and both have been disarmed.  Now what?

LLENN is mad and has had enough of Pito's shit.

Posted (edited)

Ep 12 -

3rd place?  I don't see how either one of you think you are going to be in any shape to fight T-S.

SAO, a legendarily terrible game. :D I'm sure haters will say she was talking about the show, too. :):P

Good job of disarming Pito of her photon sword.

So P-chan jammed herself, or just happened to have been jammed?  Is she actually alive?!

So M was secretly helping defeat Pito?  Not sure how killing all the amazons helped though.

Had Fuka chop her hands off so she could bite Pito's throat.  That was pretty hardcore!

And then T-S who stayed back the whole time just mow down LLENN and Fuka! :D Cheap-asses!

Shouldn't you be meeting Pito first before you give more candy to these brats?  Nice necklace though.

19 is considered a minor?

Rofl that fatass was M.  No that face is not handsome!  And of course he got a complex over it.  But stalking a cute girl is not the answer!

Turn this car around LOL.  Fuka probably more sense than any woman in the SAO franchise!

Pito knew and then asked him to her apartment, beat him, tied him up and made her her manservant through blackmail?  Nothing about this relationship or how it started is healthy in any way, from either side!

The music stopped, and their reactions LOL.  M stands for masochist! :D

Pito is the club owner.  Uh-huh.

So Elsa Kanzaki is like Japanese Sarah McLaughlin.

Why is there no subtitles for this song?!  Or the OP or ED for that matter?!

The animation for Elsa's mouth when singing seems kind of lazy.  Did they do that for the benefit of the dub?

The jig is up!  Good to know Karen figured this out, just as easily as the audience did. 

Yup, there's no mistaking that laugh!

Boobie hug.  Elsa is being smothered! :D

LLENN is cute in real life too.  She is! :)

She just kissed her?!  What the hell?!

How old is Elsa?  Because she looks very young.  Because that would make her relationship with M even more inappropriate.

So that's it?!  That's the ending?!  Shouldn't there be more to it than that?  Elsa sure seemed to get over her obsession with death easily.  Maybe LLENN/Karen caused her to have an epiphany.  I'll have to watch the episode again.

Good to hear Pito now understands games are for FUN.

Edited by ben0119

There's also a scene where one of the characters calls SAO a legendarily terrible game. :P

Maybe in other places.  Guess people here just don't like SAO much in general, so maybe that's why they didn't give this show a shot.

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