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6 hours ago, CAC said:

uhm, I think he was hitting on you.....


6 hours ago, nameraka said:

pretty sure i've seen this porno. 


5 hours ago, Vamped said:



2 hours ago, Still Me said:


numbers 1 and 2: if I was into dudes I would have seduced Enrique Iglesias , Idris Elba, or @AnimationFan14  long ago and produced beautiful children somehow with locks of gorgeous hair

3. laughed more than I should have

4. also laughed pretty hard

5. drank beer with my friends and pet 3 doggos.  My friend's Aunt intrusted me with battering Jalapenos and I failed terribly, Number E: my friend's wife yells a lot

Most importantly I got to see this pup today. 

Those are also my shoes in the background.... ignore them


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