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i used to be able to recite all of Weird Al's Albuquerque


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when i was in highschool. also Everything You Know Is Wrong. 

i never forgot the first 1/4 of it. ive got it on rotation now so ill be back to my former glory

and no, even tho i could, nobody was ever patient enough to let me get thru the whole song

gonna annoy some ppl really good really soon :}

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23 hours ago, discolemonade said:

i'd be more impressed if you could sing ALL of johnny cash's 'i've been everywhere'

the spousal unit can get up to the 3rd chorus, then the marble mouth sets in. xD

i like that song i think that would be a fun one thats a good idea

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12 hours ago, katt_goddess said:

I used to have nightmares that I'd end up getting called up to sign a song at a concert and the song they'd announce was 'Albuquerque'. 

Do eet. Memorize it all and go on the tour this summer. I'll throw a twinkie at you backstage at some point. :D 

your nightmare is my dream. i didn't know he was doing a tour. thanks for the heads up!


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10 hours ago, SlappyKincaid said:

Oh god, I bet if I listened to it again, I might be able to recall most of it, but it's in a part of my brain I can't just access at will.


well its time to open up the mental vault

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11 hours ago, Poof said:

your nightmare is my dream. i didn't know he was doing a tour. thanks for the heads up!


It's the 'Ill Advised Vanity Tour' with opening act Emo Phillips. :D:D:D

No costume changes, no big screen deals, small venues and original songs. I'll actually be backstage for one of the stops wishing it were possible to request that they crank call [as] for the lols but the standard pre-concert stuff is as little speaking as possible since the tour dates are often a series, short rest, series, short rest and it's a bitch on the vocals. 

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