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my son, the genius

discolé monade

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no. not really. he's been watching 'johny johny papa yes' on youtube. 

it's just little clips of brothers and their mum on adventures around the house. 

nursery rhymes, etc. 

except it's in kannada. now, he'll sing the english words, but i noticed the more he watches

the more he replaces the english phrase/word with kannada

and since he's watched these short action bits so much, he actually is saying a few of the 'catch phrases' 


not really a genius. but hey. he's having fun. 


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10 hours ago, Lasty said:

The mind is a sponge, it absorbs what it comes into contact with...

exactly this. my youngest daughter would watch all her movies in french, with the english subs. 

she caught on to a few words, phrases. so, i taught her to count to 10 in french. it was pretty cool for a 


but since i don't speak kannada, i'll have to find him some spanish, or french, or even german youtubes for kids. 

also, i don't think it's fair the my 4 year old can pick up kannada where here i was thinking he was watching some russian video (sounds like russian a little)

^ i am completely joking about that last bit

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