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Did the people on the cruise ships not notice the coastal city being razed?  How are they surprised?


Well, that was excessive, Buu.


Epic entrance Gotenks.


This fight is beautifully drawn, animated, and choreographed.


You ARE an ugly fatso, Buu.


Annnnd Buu's already gotten the upper hand.  Gotenks too cocky for his own good.


WHOA, wait. He's already wiped out this many people?


It's been a long time since I've seen this saga of DBZ. Feels weird to hear this shit.


Why does the military even bother?  It's like trying to fight Godzilla.


Epic narrator.


More like hiding under ground.  Go on, Hercule, beat Buu!  :catlol


first they censored the "you shook hands with my penis" line in Super then removed child abuse


apperently it's sudden Censorship night on Toonami ::]::

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