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I like the new bumps they have when they go to commercial break.


Having Tom and Sara absent during these TIE's always makes them seem creepy without someone saying "We're back with more [iNSERT SHOW TITLE HERE]."


Oh I forgot they were doing that Countdown thing.  Interesting.


Why couldn't Vegeta figure that out?  And how the hell can you "anticipate" a time skip move anyway?  The whole point of it is you can't see what he's doing when he jumps forward in time so there should be no way to simply "anticipate" it.


Damn right it's easier to go second and use the first battle to see what to do, grrr.


Guess you're the sort of guy who yells when he powers up too.


HOW did you refine your time skip and HOW does it work?


Not even Goku would eat Arby's.


I like the new bumps they have when they go to commercial break.


Having Tom and Sara absent during these TIE's always makes them seem creepy without someone saying "We're back with more [iNSERT SHOW TITLE HERE]."


Yeah, it always feels really weird.


I know that this probably is the case, but with how things have gone in the past, I still can't picture characters like Hit beating characters like Kid Buu or Perfect Cell.


But he probably would...somehow.


I know that this probably is the case, but with how things have gone in the past, I still can't picture characters like Hit beating characters like Kid Buu or Perfect Cell.


But he probably would...somehow.


well, i mean he's already physically strongr than perfect cell by a lot. buu might hav been a challenge for him, though


well, i mean he's already physically strongr than perfect cell by a lot. buu might hav been a challenge for him, though


Yeah, I forgot Pikkon beat Perfect Cell quite easily too. I forgot that. :D

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