Azalar Hex Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 So I got another spider in my apartment. Managed to catch it in a tea bottle, as I often manage to do with spiders. I was wondering if anyone here might be able to figure out what this thing is based on this very blurry picture I took of it inside its tea bottle prison. The only other defining feature is a white dot around the middle of the back where you'd normally see the "hourglass" on a black widow. This little bastard is aggressive. It's constantly coming at me with its front two legs raised. Little fucker has some huge fangs, too.
fuggnificent Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 fuck that. thats fucking huge. couldnt be me. id be sleeping in my car for the night and moving out the next fucking day. fuck that shit.
little_girl_lost Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 This little bastard is aggressive. It's constantly coming at me with its front two legs raised. Little fucker has some huge fangs, too. and I think I heard it mutter something anti-Semitic
fuggnificent Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 Bold Jumping Spider. Kill it with fire.
Azalar Hex Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 He's kinda cute I hate to say this but I kinda agree with you. He's rushing me up the side of the tea bottle and flipping onto his back. Keeps waving those legs and dancing around like he wants to mess me right the F up. Got a "better" picture of the spot. He'll be less cute when the rest of his family shows up later tonight.
Azalar Hex Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 Bold Jumping Spider. Kill it with fire. That was the first result I got when I googled it. He hasn't done any jumping yet, though.
fuggnificent Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 I hate to say this but I kinda agree with you. He's rushing me up the side of the tea bottle and flipping onto his back. Keeps waving those legs and dancing around like he wants to mess me right the F up. Got a "better" picture of the spot. He'll be less cute when the rest of his family shows up later tonight. ah hell no. no you have some k ind of stockholm syndrome developing.... here... find you another place to live
katt_goddess Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 That was the first result I got when I googled it. He hasn't done any jumping yet, though. Give him a direct shot at your neck. Your house is lost. Tell the insurance company it was a spider-induced electrical fire.
Azalar Hex Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 Yeah, after obsessively holding the bottle up to the light I could make out a distinct pattern on the little guy's back. Jumping spider. I would put it outside, but it'll just come right back in here. I feel bad watching it slowly die inside this bottle, but I ain't opening it. Hell no.
NaBarney Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 They're harmless and always seemed to be to be particularly intelligent (but that could just be because they are easy to anthropomorphize since they're so cute)
Azalar Hex Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 Well I took the bottle out to the dumpster and let him out on top of it. I'm a damn wuss and he's gonna come right back in here and bite my fucking eyeball in my sleep.
viperxmns Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 You have become friend to spider. Spider will eat bug for you.
death_by_motorboat Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 If you have indoor spiders you should just spray the perimeters and openings, in and under and behind all around everything you use personally, door jams, window frames, cupboards, cracks, holes, ceiling, walls.... all with home and garden supplies from the store. Let me tell you why. They will respect your perimeter by instinct and their senses, warn the colony, and the reason is because there must also be centipedes, and other basement and crevis dwellers. The remainder of the bugs will kill each other trying to survive. Dont put edible poisons out for rats or mice. If you have cockroaches or anything worse just Repeat the process a couple times and make sure you are not missing anything.
death_by_motorboat Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 Extermination could take months. If you have a 6 month spray and you kill the majority within a couple weeks they'll stay gone, but you have to Spray literally everything. If you take it slowly it Can be done long term but either way get used To critters being there for now.
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