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Maybe that's why I'm freaking shivering a bit while I type this..So is it time to light the pilot on my wall


heater and fire it up, or should I just suck it up and save some gas money? My water heater runs off gas


to so my gas bill can run pretty high in winter months.


Yeah it is 1am.. I;m still shivering though this soda isn't helping. Better look at the whole forecast..

I'm int the Texas panhandle..where literally any kind of wheather can be expected from one day

to the next.  :|


Yeah it is 1am.. I;m still shivering though this soda isn't helping. Better look at the whole forecast..

I'm int the Texas panhandle..where literally any kind of wheather can be expected from one day

to the next.  :|


I had a soda craving earlier tonight, lol. Was quite glad it was refrigerated.


Yeah it is 1am.. I;m still shivering though this soda isn't helping. Better look at the whole forecast..

I'm int the Texas panhandle..where literally any kind of wheather can be expected from one day

to the next.  :|


what part of Texas is considered the panhandle?


Well It's not supposed to get below freezing the whole week so I think I should just tough it out


with no heat.. I'm only marginable uncomfortable right now. Blankets will make it ok prolly.


I was gonna say something like that but I wasn't sure if celcius was one of the units everybody but america

uses for measurement.Kilometers, Stones, kilograms... all something that someone in the states better be

familiar with if they want to have any lengthy stays out of country.. :D


I was gonna say something like that but I wasn't sure if celcius was one of the units everybody but america

uses for measurement.Kilometers, Stones, kilograms... all something that someone in the states better be

familiar with if they want to have any lengthy stays out of country.. :D


I think stones are just a British thing, but kilograms and kilometers are parts of the international standards that everyone else uses.


It's 33 degrees where I live in WI.  That's pretty weird that's it's about the same temperature where you live in Texas.

If you're not used to the cold, then  you should heat up your place.


I have my place set to 65 degrees inside.  If it's not that warm inside your home, you should definitely heat up the place.




Kelvins are used specifically for the measurement of heat as opposed to an ambient temperature.


Right? Did I science right mr scientist? edit: Darn it looks like it is used for temperature usually in conjunction


with celsius though..


I honestly don't hear kelvins mentioned alot in scientific study unless it's a measurement of the conditions in


space and on other planets since temperatures can be about as cold as absolute zero which is Zero K.


or −273.15 °C (−459.67 °F)


Tibetan monks lived in the frigid heights of the Himalayas and learned to just be okay with the fact that it was cold.

You can do the same thing.  :catwink

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