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How can you be nostalgic for a band that had dissolved before you were even born?


That's like watching 'Dazed and Confused' and thinking the 70's was comprised solely by pot smoking teenagers, Aerosmith concerts and Matthew McConaughey.


this makes me nostalgic for a time when my life was much shittier than it is now.

my life has been shitty a good 6 years in a row now, but some good times were muddled in between so it's a weird feeling i guess


my life has been shitty a good 6 years in a row now, but some good times were muddled in between so it's a weird feeling i guess


understood. these songs bring me back to high school when i was all raging emotion and bouts of depression, but somehow in hindsight it still seems desirable if only that so many things were still possible back then.


mostly they make me feel old.


How can you be nostalgic for a band that had dissolved before you were even born?


That's like watching 'Dazed and Confused' and thinking the 70's was comprised solely by pot smoking teenagers, Aerosmith concerts and Matthew McConaughey.

every time i listen to some of their songs they take me back to when i first listened to some of their songs and it reminds me of a lot of stuff i really enjoyed from those times, not really nostalgia for the band itself i guess, but more the general feeling it brings along.

i feel the same about more newer music, but i guess you could probably argue if i listen to a new song today, i'll be thinking of it the same way in a few years.

the smiths are different tho, their music invokes a lot of things that make me hold them in a very high regard.


tl;dr their music is an enjoyable bittersweet feeling, kinda like nostalgia.


every time i listen to some of their songs they take me back to when i first listened to some of their songs and it reminds me of a lot of stuff i really enjoyed from those times, not really nostalgia for the band itself i guess, but more the general feeling it brings along.

i feel the same about more newer music, but i guess you could probably argue if i listen to a new song today, i'll be thinking of it the same way in a few years.

the smiths are different tho, their music invokes a lot of things that make me hold them in a very high regard.


tl;dr their music is an enjoyable bittersweet feeling, kinda like nostalgia.


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