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I agree with Vegeta.  There's no way Goku got knocked out just from that.


Everyone has so little confidence in me. :D


Stretchy arm plus Special Beam Cannon!


What the... He's capable of spurts of super-speed, or?


Vegeta - "It is just Jaco."  LOL


I think Frost is going to get pounded into the dirt next round. It'll probably end like up similar to what happened with Android 19 except without Frost dying.


It's not super-speed, but some sort of drug/poison!  FROST IS A CHEATER! 


Frost starts the wars, then ends them, and profits from it?!  He is evil after all!  But I'm disappointed.  A good counterpart to Frieza was more fun.


Shouldn't Goku be reinstated too?  He cheated in both matches!


Piccolo agreed to forfeiting.  Hmmm.


Vegeta is going to put Frost down.


"Your voice is annoying." :D


Let's see here, with Buu DQed by the written test that Vegeta wanted, Goku knocked out by Frost's poison thingy, and Piccolo also losing to it, who's left?


Gohan and Vegeta are all that remains, right?


Oh right, it's NOT Gohan, but actually Vegeta and "Shapely Nipples" guy. We're screwed!

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