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Part of me wonders if I am biased against Toonami shows.  OP sucks but maybe if it wasn't on Toonami it would suck less.


Well at one point in 2014 you mentioned that Hellsing Ultimate was the best thing on Adult Swim at the time. And yes, you were also pining for JoJo to end up SOMEWHERE on TV to boot.


I'm not sure what in the hell possessed me to believe that it would pair well with Archer on FX; it would not so far! But then again, I've heard the "prequel" Part 1 is not really indicative of the series as a whole, despite the fact that I enjoyed zombie-creating vampires' return to Toonami for the first time since Hellsing.


It is not representative of the series at all.  Part 1 is solitary action/horror, while Part II ups the comedy and Part III redoes how the fighting is done.


Parts II and III with Archer would have been absolute gold.


Top 10


#10. Space Dandy

#9. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

#8. Gurren Lagann

#7. FLCL

#6. G Gundam

#5. Yu Yu Hakusho

#4. Dragon Ball

#3. Outlaw Star

#2. Cowboy Bebop

#1. Neon Genesis Evangelion


Bottom 10


#10. Blue Exorcist

#9. Samurai 7

#8. Casshern Sins

#7. Akame Ga Kill

#6. Sword Art Online

#5. Naruto: Shippuden

#4. Dimension W

#3. Tenchi Muyo! GXP

#2. 80's Cartoon Remakes (Thundercats / He-Man / Transformers)

#1. SD Gundam



*Note that I haven't added Hunter X Hunter or JoJo the Top 10 as I've not seen enough of them to make a decision, but I feel they will be (and hopefully Unicorn as I feel that's gonna be dope).


**Also didn't put Beware The Batman, Wulin Warriors, Zatch Bell, MAR, or Duel Masters in the bottom as I've never really watched them.



Top 10


#10. Space Dandy

#9. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

#8. Gurren Lagann

#7. FLCL

#6. G Gundam

#5. Yu Yu Hakusho

#4. Dragon Ball

#3. Outlaw Star

#2. Cowboy Bebop

#1. Neon Genesis Evangelion


Bottom 10


#10. Blue Exorcist

#9. Samurai 7

#8. Casshern Sins

#7. Akame Ga Kill

#6. Sword Art Online

#5. Naruto: Shippuden

#4. Dimension W

#3. Tenchi Muyo! GXP

#2. 80's Cartoon Remakes (Thundercats / He-Man / Transformers)

#1. SD Gundam



*Note that I haven't added Hunter X Hunter or JoJo the Top 10 as I've not seen enough of them to make a decision, but I feel they will be (and hopefully Unicorn as I feel that's gonna be dope).


**Also didn't put Beware The Batman, Wulin Warriors, Zatch Bell, MAR, or Duel Masters in the bottom as I've never really watched them.


I don't think SD Gundam was that bad. ThunderCats 2011 is on the fringe and Transformer Armada wasn't very good but He-Man was great IMO.


It's good that you noted which series you have not seen though of those only Wulin Warriors is worthy of the bottom 10 IMO.


It is not representative of the series at all.  Part 1 is solitary action/horror, while Part II ups the comedy and Part III redoes how the fighting is done.


Parts II and III with Archer would have been absolute gold.


A fine hour of television for some but a rather odd one for most. If you think the general audience isn't taking well to JoJo on Toonami even parts 2 and 3 wouldn't have done well after Archer. The cross-over audience for both wouldn't be anywhere near the level the cross-over between DBZ and JoJo audiences theoretically could be.


Even next to Archer, JoJo would entirely stick out in a bad way on FX no matter how good it is.


Someone's mad. Again.


Please. I'm just stating my opinion, as you did.


You do the same thing with One Piece (mention it) whenever someone else mentions IBO and JoJo preforming lackluster. Don't front.


I don't say people's opinions are invalid, I'm just questioning conclusions.  Like how people can still like OP when nothing happens.


Did I say your opinion was invalid? I may think it's annoying since you won't shut up about it, but never did I say it was invalid.


Only that your opinion of the series is skewing your perception of how things really are. Like you thinking OP is a failure.... which it isn't. As i've proved time and time again (which you conveniently ignore) by listing the reasons.


Well the ratings on Toonami ultimately don't matter much besides the top few shows which are currently occupied by the juggernaut that is the Dragonball franchise.


The worst that will happen to JoJo is perhaps a push down later into the line-up. Regardless of how it preforms (unless it's outright terrible, which no show has done so far), as we've seen with Gundam and One Piece, Toonami will probably still keep getting future episodes/seasons if it does well enough (which it is since it doesn't take much to keep a slot).


So again, just lay off the ratings and just enjoy the shows you like. Leave the ratings to them and don't obsess over them so much.


People think I'm saying "this is bad" as a fact.  I'm not.  Just pointing to the ratings.

then word it better


because you have on occasion not only actually flatly stated "this is bad" concerning some shows, but also flatly stated that "anyone who likes this show is a bad person"


you've done it to Steven Universe, Sailor Moon, Voltron and countless others


if you want people to stop thinking you're being a jerk then stop wording all your criticisms like a jerk

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