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The Adult Swim pilot Ubermansion, which they passed on, and then got picked up by Crackle as "Supermansion" has now been picked up by Adult Swim.


or something.


so - they basically picked up the show they passed on.


This is I think the first time that's happened?


where a show was pitched to AS, they passed, somebody else picked it up, and then AS changed their minds.


I think this has more to do with Sony not owning any cable TV channels of their own, so any network that wants a Crackle show could get one. I see episodes of Sports Jeopardy! filling a lot of airspace on NBC Sports Network.


Alternatively CBS Sports, since regular Jeopardy airs on CBS where I live.


In regards to UberSupermansion, having enjoyed the pilot when it premiered I wouldn't mind checking out an episode or two in my spare time.


[get brad]


Jeopardy! airs on CBS where I live, too. In fact, I think the majority of stations where it airs on CBS, and I've never heard of an NBC affiliate airing the show. :P


first season of Supermansion just finished up on Crackle I do believe. 


so there's at least an entire season in the can for AS already.


which is not a bad thing.


A main character's name is Cooch. Wonderful.  :|


Also, is this the Robot Chicken people's next stab at a super hero team show after the failed Titan Maximum?




I actually watched the first episode of this show last week while it aired, though I didn't catch yesterday's episode.


It was pretty decent. Stoopid Monkey seems to be better at creating wholly original material than the same tired parodies on Robot Chicken week after week. I've enjoyed the DC Comics specials that just go wild with the characters while actually having a plot, and SuperMansion seems to be an extension of that.


The voice acting was pretty good, for one. I enjoyed Bryan Cranston's return to more humorous roles as Titanium Rex. Also, I guess that was supposed to be Keegan Michael Key as the angry drill sergeant? I can't help but be reminded of his role in the Bad Guys pilot as being similar to this.

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