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GT is better than Super. That hurts to say.

I agree, GT did have a few glaring plot holes (Pan, Goten and Trunks's ages to not match up with their ages at the end of Z) and I never liked that Goku got de-aged


but GT balanced it's comedy and humor much better



and it did not make as much of a laughing stock out of Vegeta as super does (it had jokes at his expense here and there but they were reasonable and more in line with his personality)


also I love GT's opening



I also liked that Vegeta went hard Bi and looked like fucking Freddie Mercury in GT



  • 3 weeks later...

I like SSJ God, but i also liked ssj4. 4 was interestingly barbaric, but god makes him look leaner and younger, which is always a plus.


but the way the story is going in super, it doesn't have a whole lot over GT. my big problem with GT was how they spent the whole first arc struggling to defeat punkass villains who shouldn't have posed any kind of threat whatsoever. and after the pointlessness that was the fight against beerus and the huge amountf wasted time fighting frieza's minions again, it sort of seems like Super's got the same issues.


but i suppose that if they give Pan the abiity to become a super saiyan, super will beat GT in one regard.


I like how lazy they got with the bulpan fusion. Literally just Bulla/Bra in Pan's hat and top.



I still think they also dropped the ball on not naming Pan and Bulla's fusion "Bran"

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