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JoJo's Bizarre Marathon

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(From "The Dark Knights" episode five through "New York's JoJo" episode ten)

Starting at 12:15am after the premiere of the animated short Scavengers


Episode Five

"The Dark Knights"


Ankoku no Kishitachi)


Episode Six

"Tomorrow's Courage"


Ashita no Yūki)


Episode Seven

"Sorrowful Successor"




Episode Eight

"Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio"

(血戦! JOJO & DIO

Kessen! JoJo & Dio)


Episode Nine

"The Final Ripple!"


Saigo no Hamon!)


Episode Ten

"New York's JoJo"


Nyū Yōku no JoJo)




Only On Toonami



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I MIGHT miss the short at the beginning cause I have to be somewhere till 11:30 pm and I dunno if I can make it back home before midnight


I set it to record the short though so if I miss it I'll quickly catch up then join the discussion in progress



also I will probably not get drunk


I will however be piss drunk after christmas dinner and probably marathon a bunch of netflix anime and/or crunchyroll so look forward to me drunkenly live commenting on bad anime on Christmas

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I MIGHT miss the short at the beginning cause I have to be somewhere till 11:30 pm and I dunno if I can make it back home before midnight


I set it to record the short though so if I miss it I'll quickly catch up then join the discussion in progress



also I will probably not get drunk


I will however be piss drunk after christmas dinner and probably marathon a bunch of netflix anime and/or crunchyroll so look forward to me drunkenly live commenting on bad anime on Christmas


According to my DVR the "Scavengers" short is also rerunning at the end of the night at 3:15am as well after JoJo episode 10


Also yay drunk Mochi bad anime Christmas anime commentary


I have an extremely terribly Christmas themed anime I could recommend

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I'll try and be here for shelter will probably miss the marathon


It's Scavengers tomorrow, bud!


On that note, for some crazy reason my DVR thinks it's the 2013 live action feature film Scavengers!


Oh yeah, how could I forget: the JoJo Drinking Game!!

- Anytime a character says "Useless", take a drink!

- Anytime Hamon is mentioned, take a drink!

- Anytime a rock reference is made, take a drink!

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considering I watch the Nami Drunk every weekend watching the marathons slightly more sober is the only way I retain any of it



I say slightly because I had a glass of whisky at the party I was at tonight so


technically I'm drunk right now

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