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You can see half way through the second round you were getting his patterns, and blocking better.


It was my first fight against him and he's so big that it was hard to tell where is hitbox and attack range was.


I will say, and you will have a reason for it I am sure, but you always seem to throw the sonic boom twice.... why they didn't anticipate that is beyond me.... but then again I haven't played this one.


I have a ds again, batl tonight, or tomorrow night...or Tuesday or Wednesday night


Not sure if Buddy took the DS to mississippi with him or not.  I'll look for it when I get back home Monday.


I will say, and you will have a reason for it I am sure, but you always seem to throw the sonic boom twice.... why they didn't anticipate that is beyond me.... but then again I haven't played this one.


The first one is always fast, the second one has a delay before it actually comes comes out......It's to discourage trying to jump over it because you'll likely land on it because it's much slower.


If they stay on the ground and try to block the second one, I rush in for a grab or a sweep depending on if they stand or crouch. 


But you are several times fatter than still me....


actually im not. i think its yall inherent racism or stupidity that makes you think for some reason im bigger than her. im significantly smaller and i have actually posted full bodied pics of myself..something stillme hasnt and never will do because thats how humongous she is.


Cool, I need to get a new fighting game. Everything else is played out right now.


Street fighter is played out too.....I only get back on it when I hear a new character drops just because i want the whole roster.

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