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I drew two guys in girly ballet tights kissing last night

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I felt like sharing it


they were characters in a story I was gonna write but I can never focus well enough to finish anything I start




needs to be an anime

or a cartoon idk. go pitch it!

they're meant to look like Disney princes......granted Disney princes usually have Broader shoulders and more generic faces and hair....except Aladdin who was fucking gorgeous


supposedly Disney Says they're gonna introduce a Lesbian Princess next....it's probably Elsa in the Frozen sequel.....which would kind of be a waste since that Movie's fan base died down considerably


will you ever show your drawings of vegeta with the bulging camel toe?

all the pics I've drawn of vegeta so far have a cock, the trans man vegeta thing is something I still have yet to draw (and I'm surprised that you react with more disgust to the idea of Vegeta with a vagina than you do him with a dick)

haha im not a homophobe or anything but i do get eww when i see stuff like that.

fair enough...the closest thing to porn from my adult blog I've posted was a tasteful nude of Vegeta in a hotspring, some of the stuff is so exaggerated it comes across as comedic and I have no intent to post those (I sometimes threaten to when I get drunk though)

. . . did I really seem toexpress disgust to you just now?

sorry, I assumed you were asking to mock or provoke me, no I haven't even drawn vagina vegeta yet
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