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Glaceon is still better than leafeon.....That thing is horrible.


Both  of those Sinnoh ones are hopefully outclassed by a combination of shitty speed and bad typing, but Leafeon at least has a better movepool than Glaceon.


Glaceon, because Vaporeon can do everything the former can do, plus more (Except kill something with Mirror Coat).




meanwhile Sylveon is a fucking beast


Flareon is probably the worst due to it's stats being a physical fire type with low def and hp. The only moves it can really use to it's advantage are Fire Fang and Flare Blitz, one is just a fire type version of bite and the other does recoil damage.





meanwhile Sylveon is a fucking beast


Yeah, but you need Hyper Voice on her to pair with Pixilate, and they nerfed that this gen.


I'll agree that Glaceon is the worst. A less dynamic Vaporeon with just as terrible abilities


Flareon is probably the worst due to it's stats being a physical fire type with low def and hp. The only moves it can really use to it's advantage are Fire Fang and Flare Blitz, one is just a fire type version of bite and the other does recoil damage.


You can't expect much from what is mostly a poor man's Arcanine.


But on an all Eeveelution team, you do need Flareon or else Steel types can just waltz in and screw over half your team.


Going off the top of my head I was gonna say Leafeon, because the grass type doesn't give it much sustain,

and it's attack stats aren't very remarkable, but Glaceon is a close second if not 1st for having so many 4x

weaknesses, and though it's sp. at is ok, it doesn't really give it enough edge to be a sweeper, just a revenge

killer for dragons, rock etc...(only mons it can hit for supereffective) It's probably going down the next turn.


Going off the top of my head I was gonna say Leafeon, because the grass type doesn't give it much sustain,

and it's attack stats aren't very remarkable, but Glaceon is a close second if not 1st for having so many 4x

weaknesses, and though it's sp. at is ok, it doesn't really give it enough edge to be a sweeper, just a revenge

killer for dragons, rock etc...(only mons it can hit for supereffective) It's probably going down the next turn.


The worst thing is Glaceon would at least be a decent non STAB sweeper if it was not for it's shit speed and piss poor movepool.


I mean, the majority of it is just Ice and Normal moves, both of which are easily walled by Steel types and especially Froslass.


Yeah I wasn't even throwing speed into the mix. I've only used Glaceon once or twice, if it wasn't for the 65

base speed it might be pretty viable.. It has decent defense stats for an ice type, but it doesn't matter much if

every team you go up against is going to have a 4x supereffective counter for it. I guess it's usable but no point.

The only eveelutions I've every committed to finishing out were Umbreon and Espeon. I've never built a Slveon

for any kind of competitive play, but I can see it earning it's place on any team.


I just realized.....Why are we even discussing this outside of like gen 3......or was it 4


NO ONE is using an all evee team except me against Nabisco


I was. But I could only keep up a 3 match winning streak with it.


"Probably Glaceon" was my thought just reading the thread title. Still looks really cool at least but then they all do. Leafeon's a close second but my sentimental favorite. Love that design!

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