mochi Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Well, I still have no idea what they plan on doing with Pidge yet. Also, next season, Lotor was a gigantic creep towards Allura in the old series with a massive Oedipus complex. I could easily see that being used to confirm Keith and Allura's relationship. considering what the show's done so far probably nothing also with Lotor, possibly but if the show is still rated Y7 they probably won't make Lotor quite that creepy of course who knows, on CN the father in Gumball has a massive Oedipus complex which is played for humor and the censors have no problem with it Quote
mochi Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Jman[/member] I would also like to add that the "mystery girl" Keith rescued is probably Prince Lotor(the design is not feminine enough for me to believe it's a girl, and Lotor was a bishonen so having a feminine design would be predictable) Quote
Jman Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 And the Tumblrinas are out in full force hella pissed Keith likes girls. "No chemistry! Muh representation!" I love slow burn romances. I get annoyed with people wanting to toss that out for fetish pandering. And then Lotor hitting on Lance so Keith realizes his on-existent feelings(vs him being a creep to Allura)? Hard pass. Quote
mochi Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 And the Tumblrinas are out in full force hella pissed Keith likes girls. "No chemistry! Muh representation!" I love slow burn romances. I get annoyed with people wanting to toss that out for fetish pandering. And then Lotor hitting on Lance so Keith realizes his on-existent feelings(vs him being a creep to Allura)? Hard pass. I'm gonna repeat this just because you seem to have forgotten what we talked about not everyone who was hoping Keith would be gay were fujoshi's, I actually am gay and I would have liked him to be as well because there's hardly any gay characters in anything whereas there's literally always a guarentee that every character in any given show will be hetero Quote
Jman Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 The problem is those people weren't talking about it from an LBGTQ+ perspective so much as crying about chemistry when no one else (save Lance) has done anything romantic to speak of besides a comic relief. It wasn't coming from a place of wanting a gay hero so much as it was expressing rage their baby likes girls. Quote
mochi Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 The problem is those people weren't talking about it from an LBGTQ+ perspective so much as crying about chemistry when no one else (save Lance) has done anything romantic to speak of besides a comic relief. It wasn't coming from a place of wanting a gay hero so much as it was expressing rage their baby likes girls. to be fair we still don't know if Shiro has any romantic feelings towards anyone since he has no love intrest, if he ever gets one it'll probably be a woman though and I dunno what their plans with Pidge are frankly at this point the only 3 characters I still like are Allura, Shiro and Hunk, because they've been fully fleshed out from the beginning and with the exception of Shiro on some small level, the three of them weren't used for blatant queerbaiting basically we know Shiro was kidnapped and has a dark mysterious past but has a paternal instinct we know Allura is a sassy British alien princess who has situational racism against all Galrans and we know Hunk is Fat and a baby all we know about Lance is that he looooves the ladies, and for similar reasons to making a character being gay the only focus of their character, making wanting to fuck girls Lance's entire character, is bad writing what we know about Pidge is that she got kicked out of the galaxy Garrison for being a bit too correct in her conspiracy theories about her she stole her brother's clothes and pretended to be a dude so she could continue her investigation(even though that wouldn't have worked if they did any sort of blood or urine testing since it would match her dna...not to mention she'd have to figure out some way to conceal her menstrual cycle to keep the facade of being a boy up), otherwise there isn't much to her Keith we now know is a galran hybrid, is hetero, and has feelings for Allura....again that's about it, and also he apparently thinks pining romantically for another guy is how you express brotherly affection (if he and Shiro were supposed to seem "brotherly" they coulda' fooled me) and Coran is just comic relief so he has very little character to begin with also Hunk fell in love with that Alien girl remember? Quote
Jman Posted April 4, 2017 Author Posted April 4, 2017 The Voltron fandom is insane. Quote
mochi Posted April 4, 2017 Posted April 4, 2017 The Voltron fandom is insane. and you think I dwell on things get over it you honestly seem to have a bigger issue with Voltron being a super hetero show than I do Jman[/member] Quote
Jman Posted April 4, 2017 Author Posted April 4, 2017 No, it's just the fandom is completely insane and cringeworthy at Homestuck levels. Quote
mochi Posted April 4, 2017 Posted April 4, 2017 No, it's just the fandom is completely insane and cringeworthy at Homestuck levels. as are you as a person you spent YEARS, Jman[/member], YEARS, hating Samurai Jack just because Ranlsa liked it:| YEARS ::]:: Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 5, 2017 Posted April 5, 2017 In all fairness, Ranlsa wouldn't shut the fuck up about how amazing it was. Personally, I would've just hated her, and only for her false claims that it wasn't a kid's show. "Then why was it on Cartoon Network, Ranlsa? Why was it on Cartoon Network?" Quote
Jman Posted April 5, 2017 Author Posted April 5, 2017 And now we've moved on thankfully, to mock NEW insane fans! Quote
mochi Posted April 13, 2017 Posted April 13, 2017 Heh, some Voltron fan accused me of supporting a pedophillic ship because I was annoyed that the show confirmed every character was straight(which she insists that it didn't) you're right about the fans Jman[/member] doesn't mean the show isn't homophobic though Quote
Jman Posted April 13, 2017 Author Posted April 13, 2017 What, because the Tumblr interpretation of Keith was completely wrong? Keith is a throwback to uber manly super robot pilots of the 70's. Red meat eating, kinda homicidal ones, Quote
mochi Posted April 13, 2017 Posted April 13, 2017 What, because the Tumblr interpretation of Keith was completely wrong? Keith is a throwback to uber manly super robot pilots of the 70's. Red meat eating, kinda homicidal ones, ...did we see the same Keith? He's scrawny and has Farah Faucet hair and his personality is very quiet and subdued Shiro is more like what you described also you can be Gay and be Manly Quote
Jman Posted April 13, 2017 Author Posted April 13, 2017 He runs headfirst at bad guys with blades and has 70's anime sideburns. That whole "angry homicidal pilot" look despite being a teenager, like Kouji Kabuto or the Voltes V pilots. Quote
mochi Posted April 13, 2017 Posted April 13, 2017 He runs headfirst at bad guys with blades and has 70's anime sideburns. That whole "angry homicidal pilot" look despite being a teenager, like Kouji Kabuto or the Voltes V pilots. maybe so but he's not quite hot blooded enough for him to fit that archetype IMO for that matter none of them really are, they're all a bit too emotionally restrained to fit the Homicidal Pilot character type you're describing and frankly all season 2 did was establish that everyone is straight (except Pidge who nothing has been revealed romance wise) and set the ground work for the Prince Lotor Storyline in season 3 Quote
mochi Posted April 13, 2017 Posted April 13, 2017 Jman[/member] I'm almost completely sure this person is you Quote
Jman Posted May 26, 2017 Author Posted May 26, 2017 So some moron released classified screenshots from Studio Mir and landed them in legal hot water with Dreamworks, possibly even cancelling the show. Quote
mochi Posted May 26, 2017 Posted May 26, 2017 So some moron released classified screenshots from Studio Mir and landed them in legal hot water with Dreamworks, possibly even cancelling the show. bummer Dreamworks should lighten up, Cartoon Network leaks screenshots and full clips of Steven Universe MONTHS in advance and never threatens to cancell SU Jman[/member] also unless a character turns out to be Gay in season 3 I don't care Quote
Jman Posted May 28, 2017 Author Posted May 28, 2017 Well, this happened: Quote
mochi Posted May 28, 2017 Posted May 28, 2017 Well, this happened: the language in that article is pretty alt-right ::]:: just saying that said she is being a bitch assuming she isn't just someone the writers of the article made up to prove their point Quote
Jman Posted May 28, 2017 Author Posted May 28, 2017 the language in that article is pretty alt-right ::]:: just saying that said she is being a bitch assuming she isn't just someone the writers of the article made up to prove their point No, it's real. It's a minor controversy on Reddit, Tumblr, and probably going to result in the staff mocking KL fans mercilessly. Quote
mochi Posted May 29, 2017 Posted May 29, 2017 No, it's real. It's a minor controversy on Reddit, Tumblr, and probably going to result in the staff mocking KL fans mercilessly. they already were though ::]:: Quote
Jman Posted July 23, 2017 Author Posted July 23, 2017 Because Tumblr fujioshi are THE WORST, Cartoon Network has taken matters into its own hands. Quote
mochi Posted July 23, 2017 Posted July 23, 2017 Because Tumblr fujioshi are THE WORST, Cartoon Network has taken matters into its own hands. something is very wrong with you Quote
mochi Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 Jman[/member] the original Blue Paladin was gay they reveal it in season 3 not that it's that important to note since he's fucking dead but it's better than nothing Quote
Jman Posted August 9, 2017 Author Posted August 9, 2017 This season was short, lacked exciting set pieces, and really makes me hope they kill Shiro next season so the main cast can move on. On the plus side, Sven returning was hilarious and the classic crew is back, which further intensifies my desire to kill Shiro. As for ye olde Blue Paladin, they had no subtext or shame about him being gay, so that just reinforces Keith being socially awkward despite his caring for the princess. (His attempt to comfort her was kinda sweet). Quote
mochi Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 This season was short, lacked exciting set pieces, and really makes me hope they kill Shiro next season so the main cast can move on. On the plus side, Sven returning was hilarious and the classic crew is back, which further intensifies my desire to kill Shiro. As for ye olde Blue Paladin, they had no subtext or shame about him being gay, so that just reinforces Keith being socially awkward despite his caring for the princess. (His attempt to comfort her was kinda sweet). Jman[/member] I've yet to watch season 3, on a scale of 1 to 10 how actually clear do they make it that Blayts is Gay?, like is it just a subtle hint or does he full on act like Lance...but toward guys? if he's as overt about it as Lance is with the ladies then I'm actually happy because it normalizes his being gay if his behavior is portrayed as just the same as his straight counterpart and that's a good thing Quote
Jman Posted August 9, 2017 Author Posted August 9, 2017 It can be read either way but his tone and actions are rather overt. Also Lauren Montgomery said in an interview the KL ship wasn't happening. Quote
mochi Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 It can be read either way but his tone and actions are rather overt. Also Lauren Montgomery said in an interview the KL ship wasn't happening. I know that's why I stopped watching the show also I'll have to watch the episode to decide if Blayts is really supposed to be gay since all the other characters who seemed LGBT in this show (like Pidge and Keith) turned out not to be so it's always possible the writers will deny Blayts is gay later Quote
mochi Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 Just watched the scene where he "flirts" with the waiter he does not really flirt with the waiter, he just says Hi to him and Zarkon tells him not to talk to the hired help the only arguable proof that he's gay, is ironically also a confimation that the original paladin team was Homophobic he (very subtly) flirts with the waiter by politely asking him to sit with them and the immediate response is for Zarkon to angrilly tell him to stop "fraternizing" because assuming that scene was meant to imply he's gay, it also implies that the fact that he's gay pisses off Zarkon Quote
Jman Posted August 9, 2017 Author Posted August 9, 2017 I know that's why I stopped watching the show But it makes no sense in the context of the show for their relationship to be romantic. Quote
mochi Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 But it makes no sense in the context of the show for their relationship to be romantic. neither do any of the straight romances on TV Quote
Jman Posted August 9, 2017 Author Posted August 9, 2017 neither do any of the straight romances on TV That is a load and you know it. Quote
mochi Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 That is a load and you know it. right because people who just met and know nothing about eachother making out and fucking during a zombie apocalypse chase scene is so realistic my point is just that they really could, and should, try and normalize gay characters, they shouldn't just add them to fill a quota, if they're doing to add a gay character they should 1. get just as much screen time as the straight characters 2. their romantic subplots should be treated the same as the straight characters romantic subplots are (i.e if the straight characters are regularly tender and loving to eachother on screen then the gay characters should act the same way with their love interests), and 3. the gay character should be at least AS likeable as the straight characters are, if their personality is negative and they're the only gay character in the carries certain implications, if there's more than one gay character then by all means, some of them can be jerks Quote
Jman Posted August 9, 2017 Author Posted August 9, 2017 Still, it's one thing to go "BTW they're gay" because that isn't normalizing, it's fetishizing. Look, my list of issues with Voltron has only grown with each season, (when I expect the action from a Brave Series show and I get poor man's Avatar) but that would put the series right in the shit category. Hey, Japan? Can you remake Voltes V already? It'd be better than this. Hell, Dagwon is better than this. Quote
mochi Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 Still, it's one thing to go "BTW they're gay" because that isn't normalizing, it's fetishizing. Look, my list of issues with Voltron has only grown with each season, (when I expect the action from a Brave Series show and I get poor man's Avatar) but that would put the series right in the shit category. Hey, Japan? Can you remake Voltes V already? It'd be better than this. Hell, Dagwon is better than this. I mean on some level I agree because you shouldn't have to scream that a character is gay to get the point across but if they can show a straight couple make out on TV they should be able to show a gay couple make out too and before you suggest that that's too adult they show straight people kissing on the lips in Kid's cartoons all the damn time, it isn't any less sexual just because the people are different genders Quote
Jman Posted August 9, 2017 Author Posted August 9, 2017 No, I agree. Unless fear of being outed IS the story, just say it! Quote
Jman Posted August 11, 2017 Author Posted August 11, 2017 For all the whining and discourse, the show is meh this season. There's a quote from a Taiwanese viewer on Reddit that sums up the whole thing - ‘I can’t figure out what these Americans are trying to do’ That's telling. I think some fans and new viewers wanted this - And they got...this. That...sucked. Quote
mochi Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 For all the whining and discourse, the show is meh this season. There's a quote from a Taiwanese viewer on Reddit that sums up the whole thing - ‘I can’t figure out what these Americans are trying to do’ That's telling. I think some fans and new viewers wanted this - And they got...this. That...sucked. I actually don't think its enough like either a giant robot show, OR Lok for what it was, namely a sequel to Avatar: the last airbender aimed at adult fans, I liked Lok, and as minimal as it was I was pleasantly surprised that the creators confirmed Korra and Asami were a couple at endgame but Voltron legendary defender is just...kind of in this weird gray area of not knowing if it wants to be an Avatar sequel or a Voltron remake the main issue is fans (Myself included) kind of went into VLDS expecting the LOK team to include a better version of Korrasami in it, which is why we assumed the red and blue coded characters would be a couple then they weren't, then the team basically laughed at the suggestion that anyone in Voltron land would ever be gay....which made people angry basically I don't think Nickelodeon were the ones who Stopped DiMartino and Konietzko from making Korrasami canon in the show...I think it was the rest of LOK's writers being too chicken to go through with it that stopped Korrasami from happening, since without them they're writing "everyone is heterosexual: the animated series...with some robots" Quote
Jman Posted August 11, 2017 Author Posted August 11, 2017 Why the hell would you go into a remake of an old show and expect them to change a classic pairing into a nonsensical yaoi ship? You expected it to just override everything done before? My problem is it has too much Avatar stuff. The fight scenes are all on foot. The conversations are Avatar based. You have a giant robot, use it! Build the pairings from the original show dammit! I don't want these people near classic franchises because everyone thinks they need to be Korra clones. Quote
mochi Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 Why the hell would you go into a remake of an old show and expect them to change a classic pairing into a nonsensical yaoi ship? You expected it to just override everything done before? My problem is it has too much Avatar stuff. The fight scenes are all on foot. The conversations are Avatar based. You have a giant robot, use it! Build the pairings from the original show dammit! I don't want these people near classic franchises because everyone thinks they need to be Korra clones. if they can make pidge a girl and Allura Black,0,899,899&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max[/img] they can make existing characters gay saying they can't make some characters gay with all the other socially progressive changes they DID make is a weak as water argument Quote
Jman Posted August 11, 2017 Author Posted August 11, 2017 So the girl who has been involved in a romance with the main hero no longer gets to be in a romance because she's black. I want you to think about how utterly messed up that is. Quote
mochi Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 So the girl who has been involved in a romance with the main hero no longer gets to be in a romance because she's black. I want you to think about how utterly messed up that is. not the point the point is if they could change that many things why could none of the Paladins be gay? Pidge could've been, Lance could've been, Shiro/Sven Could've been, heck even Hunk could've been but nah, they drew the line at changing people's gender's and races, can't go making anyone be gay now could they? they wanted to make the show progressive, then chickened out when the subject of Sexuality came up Quote
Jman Posted August 11, 2017 Author Posted August 11, 2017 That is the point though. You can't change the relationships when the character races change. It's putting a sexuality over all other minorities. And that is a load. Quote
mochi Posted August 12, 2017 Posted August 12, 2017 That is the point though. You can't change the relationships when the character races change. It's putting a sexuality over all other minorities. And that is a load. did Lance have a girlfriend in the original show? Quote
Jman Posted August 12, 2017 Author Posted August 12, 2017 No, he hit on a lot of women, including the princess constantly though. Quote
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