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Into day 3 of my planned 2 week water fast (trial)

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I have recently been diagnosed as diabetic (with A1C levels dangerously close to diabetes). I have been trying numerous things (and yes I have been on a rigorous routine of diet and exercise already for about 5 weeks.


That said, actual fat loss has been minimal at best. I'm giving a 2 week water fast (drinking only water) a try, so far on day 3 I have lost 6.5 pounds. It is pretty much torture so far, but the results feel great. Not to mention my skin has started to completely clear for the first time in ages. I'm not the "most obese" person on the planet but not really healthy weight either. If I were a woman I would joke about being in the "Big Beautiful" area, but I alas I have no vagina to make such quirky comments with.


Anyways, average weight loss for this type of thing is about 1 to 2 pounds a day for the first week or so and then varries to be between 1 to 3 pounds per day for the next few weeks following. The first 3 days unfortunately come with some muscle break down, though I've not noticed alot since I am still moderately exercising and supplementing with minerals.


I'm really hoping this helps, I'm rather terrified of having to go on insulin. I have seen what it has done to my Uncle and I'd rather not be blind with diabetic nerve damage. :(


Why the rush to lose weight and see results immediately? That doesn't sound healthy.


Just make a permanent change to consistently eating right and moving around enough and you'll be good.


Emphasis on useless

Especially since any weight loss will be temporary cuz you have to start eating again eventually.

I'm no doctor but I'm not so sure it's even healthy or safe for someone that's diabetic or pre-diabetic to do.


Just go through the trials and tribulations of normal calorie restriction. I was at my lowest weight yesterday, but today I am up 1.6 pounds.  S:


You are doing the right thing.


Research Ketogenic diet- essentially you are putting your body through a cycle of ketones- as long as you aren't certified type 1 diabetic ketogenic diets won't hurt you so don't get worred when you see the hype.


Your body is going to stop using glucose as its energy form and switch over to ketones- it will burn fat instead. This will happen around day 3.  You will bed depressed for the first few days, maybe a week, 2 at most. Then you should feel better, maybe even great. I have been through shit like this myself. Its essentially carbohydrate withdrawal.


You are doing the right thing.


Research Ketogenic diet- essentially you are putting your body through a cycle of ketones- as long as you aren't certified type 1 diabetic ketogenic diets won't hurt you so don't get worred when you see the hype.


Your body is going to stop using glucose as its energy form and switch over to ketones- it will burn fat instead. This will happen around day 3.  You will bed depressed for the first few days, maybe a week, 2 at most. Then you should feel better, maybe even great. I have been through shit like this myself. Its essentially carbohydrate withdrawal.


He's not talking about that. He's talking about water fasting i.e. not consuming any calories but drinking water. Your body cannot burn fat fast enough to keep with daily calorie expenditure, so he is going to also lose muscle mass and bone density.


He's not talking about that. He's talking about water fasting i.e. not consuming any calories but drinking water. Your body cannot burn fat fast enough to keep with daily calorie expenditure, so he is going to also lose muscle mass and bone density.


A fat person on a water fast will. Sandstone is a big dude remember.


You'll be fine. Fasting has its health benefits. 14 days is a long ambitious fast, so be careful. Don't fast more than 21 days. A more realistic ballpark for fasting is a bit less than half a lb of fat per day without exercise, and it's hard to exercise when fasting. I'd never combine fasting & working out. It puts you at greater risk of overexertion/exhaustion.


Only water for 21 days? Thats got to be hard as fuck.


a two week water fast sounds like a useless and dangerous thing to do, no matter the reason


You would think this, however there is actually a surprisingly large amount of research into this particular subject. I didn't even know this until I started looking into possible alternatives to try.


The fast comes in two forms, one is a prolonged water faster (which is what I am doing currently), and the other is "intermittent fasting". The later type is a dietary schedule that includes 1 to 2 day fasts intermittently on a bi weekly basis in conjunction with diet and excercise.


The long term success and inherent dangers of doing fasting are actually the subject of pretty intense debate. Many people do relapse, and do a "yo-yo" regaining all lost weight if not more. However, there are also plenty of people who have used the detoxification properties of fasting to jump start a new dietary change and have had long term success. No one can deny however the actual benefits of what is called "ketosis" which is literally the process by which low glucose levels trigger intense fat consumption. And by doing so burning through any stored toxins which become trapped in fat cells over long periods of time. This can at first lead to ill symptoms such as nausea, but can also lead to clearer skin improved heart rate and reduced blood pressure.


The inherent risks deal with stress to the heart as it is the primary organ made of muscle that can and is sometimes broken down early on in the fasting process. However, this can be somewhat minimized by continuing routine excercise and supplementing with potassium and a few other minerals. That is what I am doing.


You'll be fine. Fasting has its health benefits. 14 days is a long ambitious fast, so be careful. Don't fast more than 21 days. A more realistic ballpark for fasting is a bit less than half a lb of fat per day without exercise, and it's hard to exercise when fasting. I'd never combine fasting & working out. It puts you at greater risk of overexertion/exhaustion.


I've read that day 3 to 4 is the hurdle in over coming the "intense" hunger pains. They are already starting to diminish somewhat but I am still not comfortable obviously. I am a bit wary, the over all goal is 2 weeks, but really I plan on going one week then re-evaluating based on feeling and results. So far I've been fairly impressed, though I know some of what I have lost is water weight (bloat).


Thanks for this, if anyone has any other links or resources into this subject I'd love to have a look. ^__^

i JUST FIGURE IF YOU'RE DOING IT ANYWAY...(oops caps lock, sorry) might as well do it safely :)


thats a hard limit for safety. I've never fasted that long. Healthy ppl tend to die after 30-60 days of only water. The record is longer than 60 days but idk what it is


60 days lol. I'd run to the fridge after 4. 3 is my record.


You are doing the right thing.


Research Ketogenic diet- essentially you are putting your body through a cycle of ketones- as long as you aren't certified type 1 diabetic ketogenic diets won't hurt you so don't get worred when you see the hype.


Your body is going to stop using glucose as its energy form and switch over to ketones- it will burn fat instead. This will happen around day 3.  You will bed depressed for the first few days, maybe a week, 2 at most. Then you should feel better, maybe even great. I have been through shit like this myself. Its essentially carbohydrate withdrawal.


back in the day id fast for like 3 days at a time. id get manic off ketones burning the 2nd or 3rd day.


Heads up drinking nothing but water is probably the worst thing you can do. When you eat food again you are going to have a insulin rush, and your body will put on more weight than it was before because it'll be in starvation mode.  Eat more high fiber and lean protein meals.

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