SwimModSponges Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Everything in the universe; that is, all things made of matter, are composed of chemical elements. These elements react with each other in a way that is constant and predictable according to the laws of physics. Furthermore, all of these elements have been reacting with each other since their inception during the big bang. All chemicals; from those in coal, water, eye tissue, fire, thought, emotion, consciousness, all of it is just part of a massive chemical chain reaction that has been going on since the dawn of physical existence and will continue until is theoretical end. Everything that has ever happened to you, that will ever happen to you, is just part of a massive chemical avalanche that we only believe we have control over because we are unable to see the entirety of the system, only our part in it. Somebody refute me before the world starts to disappear.
Phillies Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 The big bang: when your dad fucked your mom. And the first mod was born.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Theres thousands of mitigating factors that act randomly. If what you say is true then we could sinply predict everything thats going to happen using mathematics...but the uncontrolled variables are infinite. There are infinite possibilities so thats not possible...the prediction that is. Life is not that precise.
Bouvre Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 All I know is that I'm glad these chemicals know how to occasionally -- given the unfathomable odds of landing here in this vast and odd and ultimately chaotic universe -- lay down some sick fucking beats.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Also..thats a very limiting view of life...does not take into account free will and also doesnt not factor in things that are beyond matter...which i believe you cannot live a fullfilling life if youre not aware of the beyond or things that defy scientific explanation.
SwimModSponges Posted June 10, 2017 Author Posted June 10, 2017 Theres thousands of mitigating factors that act randomly Name a mitigating factor that isn't a chemical or caused by the interactions of chemicals.. If what you say is true then we could simply predict everything thats going to happen using mathematics It would theoretically be possible, but we could never do it due to the limitations of our knowledge....but the uncontrolled variables are infinite For our understanding. They exist.. There are infinite possibilities Prove that there are multiple realities within one universe. I'll wait. There are infinite universes; and each is a singular timeline of chemical reaction. so thats not possible...the prediction that is. Life is not that precise. I argue that reality is in fact that precise- everything that happens. Factually.
SwimModSponges Posted June 10, 2017 Author Posted June 10, 2017 Also..thats a very limiting view of life This is an exacting view of life...does not take into account free will Free will is what we call the combined reactions of neurotransmitters within the brain; an organ made of chemicals and also doesnt not factor in things that are beyond matter. Energy, which reacts in predictable ways and has been doing so since the big bang. Dark matter and Energy too, but that's about it...which i believe you cannot live a fullfilling life A fulfilling life is subjective dependent on the chemical makeup of your situation. if youre not aware of the beyond "The Beyond" eh? or things that defy scientific explanation. Science is our method of examining reality. Anything which defies scientific explanation simply hasn't been studied to the full extent.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 I had an outerbody experience when i was young. Ive experienced the impossible. I know people that see things others cannot. Things like these are not caused by chemicals and call for a higher awareness. We already do things beyond our knowledge with computers. If what you say is true we could simply plug in just a sample of every reaction in a computer and make it predict the outcome. We already do this on some level with business...just take a business calc course. Have you studied the naturally occuring factor of "e" in nature? We can program machines to pick kernals of corn because we can predict exactly where it would go. Why are you ignoring chaos theory and probably many other theories i cant name? How naive and human a thought that everything is pre-determined. What do people want to naively bring down existence down to simple chemicals and ignore the unexplainable? Its silly and its man once again trying to play God.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 There's things that exist beyond scientific measurements. To ignore them is to be a fool and blindly go about your existence.
Phillies Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 There's things that exist beyond scientific measurements. To ignore them is to be a fool and blindly go about your existence. Yeah like my appetite for cheeseburgers.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Yeah like my appetite for cheeseburgers. Yeah. You cant bottle up and measure that shit.
SwimModSponges Posted June 10, 2017 Author Posted June 10, 2017 I had an outerbody experience when i was young Explained by chemicals reacting within the physical structures of the brain: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/12/4421.short. Ive experienced the impossible If you have experienced it; it is by definition possible. I know people that see things others cannot. synesthesia: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364661300015710, halucinations: http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1987-04200-001 Things like these are not caused by chemicals Yes they are and call for a higher awareness Awareness is made of chemicals and I would argue that calling your awareness "higher" is nothing more than subjective self-favoritist bias.. We already do things beyond our knowledge with computers. "We do things beyond our knowledge with computers." Think about that for a second. Just think about it. If what you say is true we could simply plug in just a sample of every reaction in a computer and make it predict the outcome Er don't have the computing power to simulate the entirety of reality; but if we did, and it was a perfectly accurate model, it would be an exact copy.. We already do this on some level with business...just take a business calc course. Have you studied the naturally occuring factor of "e" in nature? We can program machines to pick kernals of corn because we can predict exactly where it would go. Why are you ignoring chaos theory and probably many other theories i cant name? "Chaos" is just what we call the various things our current calculations fail to account for. Again, a perfect calculation taking literally every atom of existence into account would be entirely accurate. How naive and human a thought that everything is pre-determined No more so than the thought that you have free will.. What do people want to naively bring down existence down to simple chemicals and ignore the unexplainable? There are things which remain to be explained, but there is nothing that is unexplainable. Its silly and its man once again trying to play God. No, you're silly.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 If you're just gonna insult me im no longer gonna try to have a discussion with you.
SwimModSponges Posted June 10, 2017 Author Posted June 10, 2017 Tell me where I insulted you and I will apologize.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Tell me where I insulted you and I will apologize. "No,you're silly."
bnmjy Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 If determinism is true, then why bother doing anything? The chemicals within me dictate everything I do, right? Everything just happens and this idea that we have that our thoughts have any influence is just an illusion. I forgot what it was, since I haven't studied this bullshit in years, but atomic theory greatly contradicts this idea of determinism. It was something about locality. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean free will exists. It just means nobody really knows what the true nature of the universe is, at least not yet.
SwimModSponges Posted June 10, 2017 Author Posted June 10, 2017 "No,you're silly." I was only joking and I didn't mean to hurt you so deeply. I realize words have consequences, and should have been more mindful of what I was typing. I am very sorry.
SwimModSponges Posted June 10, 2017 Author Posted June 10, 2017 If determinism is true, then why bother doing anything? Because you can say "Why bother doing anything?" but you know the answer is realistically you cannot escape the all encompassing system no matter what you do. If you decide to spite reality; to starve yourself, to hold your breath, you will be enacting chemical changes upon yourself; chemical changes caused by the chemical reactions within your brain when you made the decision to spite. The chemicals within me dictate everything I do, right? Not just the chemicals within you; the chemicals outside of you dictate everything as well. In fact, if we get way down to the chemical level, the difference between "chemicals that are you" and "chemicals that are not you" is barely distinguishable and ultimately irrelevant. Everything just happens and this idea that we have that our thoughts have any influence is just an illusion. Well, I mean, our thoughts have influence, surely. It's just that we have no influence over our thoughts. I forgot what it was, since I haven't studied this bullshit in years, but atomic theory greatly contradicts this idea of determinism. It was something about locality. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean free will exists. It just means nobody really knows what the true nature of the universe is, at least not yet.
fuggnificent Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 The "hallucinations " are seen by a father and son but no one else. Explain why the two of them see it. Also my brother confessed to me that hes been seeing preternatural things all his life. If they were caused by mere chemicals how come i never saw anything when i grew up right beside him. If you really want to be knowledgeable...be knowledgeable in all things. Automatically dismissing certain things and only accepting things that fall into the narrative you are most comfortable with is foolish. But i will say i do understand where you are coming from...altho i think the universe and all its...what you may call...facts...are beyond human comprehension.
SwimModSponges Posted June 11, 2017 Author Posted June 11, 2017 The "hallucinations " are seen by a father and son but no one else. Explain why the two of them see it. Hereditary mental-conditioning and group-psycosis Also my brother confessed to me that hes been seeing preternatural things all his life. Once I saw a dolphin handing out travel brochures in subway. That means it actually happened and wasn't just a product of chemicals in my brain creating hallucinations. If they were caused by mere chemicals how come i never saw anything when i grew up right beside him. because your brain chemistry did not exactly match his brain chemistry at the moment If you really want to be knowledgeable...be knowledgeable in all things. That's not possible to a full degree, but I attempt it to the greatest extent that I am able. Automatically dismissing certain things and only accepting things that fall into the narrative you are most comfortable with is foolish That's an improper simplification of my argument.. But i will say i do understand where you are coming from...altho i think the universe and all its...what you may call...facts...are beyond human comprehension. Yes, this is something we agree on; the full extent of reality cannot be quantified by the human mind, or computers. But the full extent of reality does exist, and it is made of chemicals reacting.
Hornshire Posted June 11, 2017 Posted June 11, 2017 You make no sense. If the whole of the universe is merely a well ordered ripple effect, how would knowledge of that process cause it to spontaneously unravel? Your conclusion is to fret over the very thing your premise denies.
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