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Yeah, I'm here now

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After getting banned under my Josey account for the seventh time, I decided to keep away from forums until the election was over.


Now I'm back and I noticed that there's STILL an Election 2016 thread. *


I mean,  come on. Isn't it about time we move on to another even number which is between 2016 and 2020?


(*can I still say "back" if this is a totally new website that I had to hunt down via google search which led me to reddit which led me to a freeboard which led me to here? Did any mods make it here to say what finally led to the plug being pulled so suddenly on ASMB?)


Anyway, shameless website plug: https://www.zoombubba.com

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Guest The Hound

I think he's more lucky that I activated his account once he got to the end of the maze because it was sandwiched between a whole bunch of spam accounts

i hope we don't have this issue on ipb. It's pretty simple to block bots from registering on their software.
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